Buy Japanese. I am.先買七萬,之後就係七十萬(梗係港紙啦),睇下幾時買到七百萬
TLDR:齋睇27隻觀察名單,仲幫你搵晒 市值 表現 收入 入場貴,仲有係有冇ADR 成交多唔多 跟得貼唔貼。只係呢部份都值回票價。仲有話你知點解應該買日本股,點買,交易費用點,邊度搵資訊。日經同東證指數點計,有乜成份股,邊個指數好啲,邊啲成份股表現最好。玩三個Excel都有排玩
已經2000人訂!多謝大家!Two thousand people can't be wrong!(扯,幾百萬人冇訂添!).下一個目標當然係攞你命3000!
月頭訂最抵!一週年!比別人知得多。subscribe now(https://bityl.co/4Y0h)。Ivan Patreon,港美市場評點,專題號外,每日一圖,好文推介。每星期6篇,月費100. 畀年費仲有85折,20/40年費VIP 送本人著作一本。
1. 呢篇就堅咯,雖然目錄好長,但篇文唔算極長(以我標準。上次篇金本位制50年先真係極長)
2. 首先,買日本股嘅理由,Facebook Post 有寫過。入面都有講。
3. 但實情都唔使好強嘅理由,只係拎嚟分散都已經夠。所以應該係掉返轉問,有乜唔買嘅理由?
4. 你見香港 男女老幼左中右黃藍綠都鍾意日本,但好少人買日本股,點解?
5. 最常見嘅,不外乎係呢啲理由:唔知邊度有得買,交易費貴。日本人口老化又萎縮,經濟增長慢,迷失N年,日經都仲未返到家鄉。日本社會保守,冇乜大型科企,獨角獸(估值10億美金嘅初創)仲少過香港同韓國。唔識日文,唔知邊度有資訊。仲有日本公司管治麻麻,鍾意圍威喂,又唔多歡迎海外投資者。
6. 文入面,我會一一反駁,但呢度畀summary你。去邊買同交易費嘅,文入面有我用IB嘅經歷,10000蚊交易收5蚊佣,好貴咩?況且,我都唔係成日出出入入,對我嚟講交易費唔係太大問題。至於人口老化經濟增長慢係真,但,關股市乜事?寫咗N次股市脫離實體經濟啦,歐洲股市今年拍得住美股,不停破頂添,歐洲經濟好好?至於日經未返家鄉,三四十年前乜位,同你而家買有乜關係?咁你可以睇下今年日本股市回報如何。日本冇大型科企就係事實,但,歐洲一樣係咁,有何問題?至於唔識日文,難道我識日文?得罪講句,好多人買美股,都唔見得點識英文啦!日本公司唔歡迎海外投資者啦喎,咪同你去做遊客差不多,你去做小股東之嘛,唔係去坐人地個位,唔會唔歡迎你。
7. 日本股市兩個指數,各有捧場客。日經就似道指,東證TOPIX似美股標普指數。若果買指數ETF嘅留意返。
8. 第二部份,就同你講日經指數,教埋你點計!咁日經好啲定東證好啲?有啲難答,但文入面會幫你比較,同埋睇返之前嘅表現。
9. 肯定嘅係,日經因為歷史耐啲,都係原始啲,唔多科學。有堆公司(例如任天堂)一路都市值夠大但入唔到指數(最新入到了)。而佢嘅計法,似道指,price weighted,不過入面有少少調整。例如Softbank,7000円一股,但在指數比重多過好多其他公司。我篇文有埋個Excel教你點計。
10. 然後再睇日經,今年升10%左右。但225隻成份股,有140隻跑贏的,即係你亂咁買一隻,都有六成機會跑贏指數。同樣道理,你見225隻嘅中位數回報,係18%,好過指數好多。
11. 另外,我亦都幫你整埋Pivot table,睇晒邊啲行業做得最好,邊啲最差。不難估啦,最好嘅當然係航運,最差嘅係啲私鐵(小田急同京王,係咪好掛住東京呢)。但仲有呢?
12. 東證指數又如何?就比較反高潮,因為太多隻,所以個 Excel冇乜得好講。東證指數2200隻的,近乎就係全餐。同埋係market cap weighted,所以見到分別。例如三菱UFJ,日經佔比得0.08%,排到第150。但在東證就佔比1.5%,排到第6。點解會咁?當然係計法唔同。但點唔同?文入面講
13. 另外,東證今年升15%,但跑贏指數嘅得837隻(out of 2200).亦即係亂咁買一隻,六成機會跑輸東證指數。見唔見呢個現象同日經剛好相反?當然亦有原因。留意埋,中位數回報只係8.6%,仲低過日經指數
14. 好啦,最尾就講個日本股觀察名單(觀察之嘛,火中花香且燙,欣賞它不必要得到,我都觀察咗Stephy 李佳芯好耐)
15. 咁有27隻,我係買咗3隻嘅。點解?冇錢!而因為日本股要100股咁買(任天堂就要40萬港紙入場費!),我不能好似之前美股垃圾倉咁每隻3000。
16. 買住3隻先,但係邊3隻?點解係呢3隻?就文入面講。同場加映睇埋我點排隊(答案係:唔排),同埋畀咗幾多佣(答案係:好少)
17. 最後,就講晒成個名單27隻。又係有個Excel,基本嘢都有晒,股價表現呀,市值呀,賺幾錢呀等等。仲有最重要嘅:一手入場費。另外亦都教埋你邊度搵啲日本股嘅資料
18. 至於呢個名單點嚟?可以話你知,亂嚟!真係亂嚟!我問朋友的!男女老少都有,大多數都唔係做金融亦冇買過日本股亦唔識日文(雖然有一兩件在日本嘅香港人)。我亦都冇自己再篩選,百家爭鳴,年尾仲可以睇下邊個最準。我都有份揀,都幾肯定我唔會係最準嘅上半版。
19. 亦因為咁,27隻嘢嘅共通點,近乎冇。有股價升咗幾倍,又有潛水嘅。有50港紙市值嘅公司,亦都有市值排到日本頭20嘅。入場費由一皮港紙有找,到幾十萬都有。
20. 所以亦衍生一個問題:ADR。個別入場費好高嘅,可以買ADR
21. 好在乜?好在我幫你搵晒,邊啲有ADR,有的話ADR嘅編號係乜。唔止,你只係有ADR但冇乜成交冇用,我幫你睇晒所有嘅東西夠唔夠成交(咁你要買幾億港紙就冇計)。仲有,我仲全部幫你睇晒到底ADR 貼得日本正股足唔足。只係呢度都應該值回票價
22. 呀,呢27股嘅股價表現圖(今年,同五年),我都有放晒上去。54張。
已經2000人訂!多謝大家!Two thousand people can't be wrong!(扯,幾百萬人冇訂添!).下一個目標當然係攞你命3000!
月頭訂最抵!一週年!比別人知得多。subscribe now(https://bityl.co/4Y0h)。Ivan Patreon,港美市場評點,專題號外,每日一圖,好文推介。每星期6篇,月費100. 畀年費仲有85折,20/40年費VIP 送本人著作一本。
同時也有12部Youtube影片,追蹤數超過44萬的網紅Kazuya Sakoda,也在其Youtube影片中提到,On the Kazuya Sakoda YouTube channel, Starting today, I am posting mainly information on how to eliminate back pain and stiff shoulders, how to improv...
「summary table」的推薦目錄:
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- 關於summary table 在 本土研究社 Liber Research Community Facebook 的最讚貼文
- 關於summary table 在 Kazuya Sakoda Youtube 的最讚貼文
- 關於summary table 在 Kazuya Sakoda Youtube 的最讚貼文
- 關於summary table 在 Kazuya Sakoda Youtube 的最佳貼文
- 關於summary table 在 How to build a simple summary table - YouTube 的評價
summary table 在 IELTS Nguyễn Huyền Facebook 的最佳貼文
▪Bài thi IELTS Reading gồm: 3 passage (nghĩa là bạn cần đọc 3 bài đọc khác nhau)
▪Thời gian: 60 phút (bạn sẽ có 60 phút để đọc bài và trả lời tất cả các câu hỏi)
▪Các dạng câu hỏi chính trong phần thi IELTS Reading:
- Short Answer Questions
- Sentence Completion
- Summary Completion
- Table/Flow-chart/Plan/Map/Diagram Completion
- True/False/Not Given – Yes/No/Not Given
- Matching Features
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- Matching Headings
- Which paragraph contains …
- Multiple Choice
8 TIPS TỰ HỌC CHI TIẾT page mình xem tại đây nhé: https://ielts-nguyenhuyen.com/8-tips-tu-hoc-ielts-reading-hieu-qua-tai-nha/
summary table 在 本土研究社 Liber Research Community Facebook 的最讚貼文
近日研究社成功要求古蹟辦公開一份隱藏20年的8800項 #全港歷史建築調查,獲得長達179頁的地址清單及專家團隊報告,有助追溯香港歷史保育政策的起源。但當我們再消化調查內文,發現原來古蹟辦仍然只是 #選擇性 向我們公開調查部分內容,當中更加寶貴的 #歷史照片紀錄 仍然被收起封存。
1. “These results are classified in 29 files which include a summary table of the 1966 surveyed items….an individual location map and photographs for each item, a complete form for architectural information…..
— from Part III “Duration of the Project” of the Report by Dr Lau Leung Mei Yee & Dr Desmond Hui’s team
2. 「…區內散置野外之古炮、存放在各歷史建築內之功名牌匾、及碑記等文物,亦被拍照存錄。」
— from page 1 of the Report by 蕭國健團隊
若果每項歷史建築都有3-4張相片紀錄的話,這批隱藏相片庫總量估計會是 #上萬計的珍藏,對於公眾理解政府即將就8803項歷史建築中100-200項重新評級,以及對照現況的變化極具意義,這批應為公開資料至今仍是不見天日。
就此,今日我們正式現已去信古蹟辦,透過《公開資料守則》要求將仍未公開的相片紀錄向公眾全面開放,亦已經準備好與相關部門進行新一輪的飛鴿傳書。為防止 #深水埗主教山蓄水池 事件重演,全港現今所有古蹟文物的完整紀錄,這些公開資料工作必不可少。
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蘋果日報:古蹟辦普查 專家呻缺資源礙研究
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summary table 在 Kazuya Sakoda Youtube 的最讚貼文
On the Kazuya Sakoda YouTube channel,
Starting today, I am posting mainly information on how to eliminate back pain and stiff shoulders, how to improve posture, and how to eat, which are useful for your health.
▷ Today's theme
Eliminate neck-occipital pain! Stretch for 30 seconds!
▷Table of Contents
0:00 OP
0:34 Stretch commentary
3:24 Stretch commentary (reverse foot)
5:11 Summary
▷ Click here to subscribe
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You will receive a notification every time you press the bell mark.
▷Recommended related videos
Exercise to eliminate neck stiffness in 3 seconds. [English subs] Exercise to eliminate neck stiffness in 3 seconds.
[Just press for 10 seconds] The strongest self-manipulative treatment to eliminate stiff neck and stiff shoulders! [English subs]
Introducing a stretching method that fundamentally cures back stiffness and tension!
How to get rid of neck pain
Introducing a stretch that eliminates the straight neck in 1 minute!
<Overseas related videos>
7 Stiff Shoulder Stretches & Exercises - Ask Doctor Jo
Yoga for Neck and Shoulder Relief - Yoga With Adriene
Understanding Shoulder Pain and How To Fix It
How to Fix “Low Back” Pain (INSTANTLY!)
11 Best Lower Back Stretches For Pain & Stiffness
Fujisawa Tsujido's Chronic Low Back Pain Specialized Manipulative Institute Wa -KAZU-
Click here for KTR accredited hospitals nationwide
Seitaiin Kazu -KAZU- Director
Judo rehabilitation teacher, fascial yoga instructor, professional fasting meister
What is the healer Kazuya Sakoda?
Fujisawa Tsujido's only "chronic low back pain" specialized manipulative clinic
"Ad hoc" back pain treatment quit with Sassa,
Don't you think "I really want to cure"?
Over the past 15 years, he has experienced treatment for back pain for more than 50,000 people.
Performing treatment for the "cause" of pain, not relieving the pain on the spot
Propose "fundamental improvement".
The cause of pain is not in the painful place! Under the motto, we are carrying out a back pain eradication luck operation battle all over Japan.
Relieving pain with treatment is a passing point.
The true treatment is to build a body that does not return pain.
Tips for improving back pain as a back pain buster,
We will actively inform you about self-care by fascial yoga and stretching to prevent recurrence.
General Incorporated Association Molecular Consistency Medicine Beauty and Food Education Association Shonan Central Branch Manager
Professional Fasting Meister
Ultimate health method "fasting"
We will guide you through mineral fasting (enzyme fasting) that you can practice more safely and with peace of mind based on molecular matching medicine.
I spend my time without any regular meals, but during that time I replenish the minimum amount of calories, minerals and vitamins needed from the fasting drink, so it is a feature that I can do it safely and reasonably.
If sleep is a rest for the "brain", fasting is a rest for the "internal organs" and a "cleaning of the body". Why don't you take this opportunity to take this opportunity to clean up the internal organs that have never been rested since you were born?
By being cleaned cleanly, you will be awakened from the inside.
From the charm of Fasting as an Expert Fasting Meister, we will give you tips for daily diet, improvement of constitution, and detoxification.
#Stretch #Stiff neck #Stiff shoulder #Kazuya Sakoda #Manipulative clinic #Neck #Occipital
summary table 在 Kazuya Sakoda Youtube 的最讚貼文
On the Kazuya Sakoda YouTube channel,
Starting today, I am posting mainly information on how to eliminate back pain and stiff shoulders, how to improve posture, and how to eat, which are useful for your health.
▷ Today's theme
Eliminate neck-temporal pain! Stretch for 30 seconds!
▷Table of Contents
0:00 OP
0:35 Stretch commentary
3:49 Stretch commentary (reverse foot)
5:41 Summary
▷ Click here to subscribe
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You will receive a notification every time you press the bell mark.
▷Recommended related videos
Exercise to eliminate neck stiffness in 3 seconds. [English subs] Exercise to eliminate neck stiffness in 3 seconds.
[Just press for 10 seconds] The strongest self-manipulative treatment to eliminate stiff neck and stiff shoulders! [English subs]
Introducing a stretching method that fundamentally cures back stiffness and tension!
How to get rid of neck pain
Introducing a stretch that eliminates the straight neck in 1 minute!
▷Overseas related videos
7 Stiff Shoulder Stretches & Exercises - Ask Doctor Jo
Yoga for Neck and Shoulder Relief - Yoga With Adriene
Understanding Shoulder Pain and How To Fix It
How to Fix “Low Back” Pain (INSTANTLY!)
11 Best Lower Back Stretches For Pain & Stiffness
Fujisawa Tsujido's Chronic Low Back Pain Specialized Manipulative Institute Wa -KAZU-
Click here for KTR accredited hospitals nationwide
Seitaiin Kazu -KAZU- Director
Judo rehabilitation teacher, fascial yoga instructor, professional fasting meister
What is the healer Kazuya Sakoda?
Fujisawa Tsujido's only "chronic low back pain" specialized manipulative clinic
"Ad hoc" back pain treatment quit with Sassa,
Don't you think "I really want to cure"?
Over the past 15 years, he has experienced treatment for back pain for more than 50,000 people.
Performing treatment for the "cause" of pain, not relieving the pain on the spot
Propose "fundamental improvement".
The cause of pain is not in the painful place! Under the motto, we are carrying out a back pain eradication luck operation battle all over Japan.
Relieving pain with treatment is a passing point.
The true treatment is to build a body that does not return pain.
Tips for improving back pain as a back pain buster,
We will actively inform you about self-care by fascial yoga and stretching to prevent recurrence.
General Incorporated Association Molecular Consistency Medicine Beauty and Food Education Association Shonan Central Branch Manager
Professional Fasting Meister
Ultimate health method "fasting"
We will guide you through mineral fasting (enzyme fasting) that you can practice more safely and with peace of mind based on molecular matching medicine.
I spend my time without any regular meals, but during that time I replenish the minimum amount of calories, minerals and vitamins needed from the fasting drink, so it is a feature that I can do it safely and reasonably.
If sleep is a rest for the "brain", fasting is a rest for the "internal organs" and a "cleaning of the body". Why don't you take this opportunity to take this opportunity to clean up the internal organs that have never been rested since you were born?
By being cleaned cleanly, you will be awakened from the inside.
From the charm of Fasting as an Expert Fasting Meister, we will give you tips for daily diet, improvement of constitution, and detoxification.
#Stretch #Stiff neck #Stiff shoulder #Kazuya Sakoda #Manipulative clinic #Neck #Temporary
summary table 在 Kazuya Sakoda Youtube 的最佳貼文
[NEW] Relieve neck stiffness in 3 seconds!
"Eliminate back pain and stiff shoulders from the world" Online manipulative salon
On the Kazuya Sakoda YouTube channel,
Starting today, I am posting mainly information on how to eliminate back pain and stiff shoulders, how to improve posture, and how to eat, which are useful for your health.
▷ Today's theme
[NEW] Relieve back pain in 3 seconds!
▷Table of Contents
0:00 OP
0:26 Gymnastics commentary
1:35 Why did you get rid of your back pain?
2:54 Stretch commentary for sustained effect (right side)
5:07 Stretch commentary for sustained effect (left side)
6:45 Confirm the effect
7:14 Summary
▷ Click here to subscribe
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You will receive a notification every time you press the bell mark.
▷Recommended related videos
[Tokushima back pain] Reasons why you should not massage
Easy 1 minute! Stretching to eliminate back pain
[Danger] Back pain stretch that should never be done!
If you have a backache, do this. The easiest way to recover your back in the world
[How to cure sciatica] How to eliminate sciatica in 3 seconds
<Overseas related videos>
7 Stiff Shoulder Stretches & Exercises - Ask Doctor Jo
Yoga for Neck and Shoulder Relief - Yoga With Adriene
Understanding Shoulder Pain and How To Fix It
How to Fix “Low Back” Pain (INSTANTLY!)
11 Best Lower Back Stretches For Pain & Stiffness
Fujisawa Tsujido's Chronic Low Back Pain Specialized Manipulative Institute Wa -KAZU-
Click here for KTR accredited hospitals nationwide
Seitaiin Kazu -KAZU- Director
Judo rehabilitation teacher, fascial yoga instructor, professional fasting meister
What is the healer Kazuya Sakoda?
Fujisawa Tsujido's only "chronic low back pain" specialized manipulative clinic
"Ad hoc" back pain treatment quit with Sassa,
Don't you think "I really want to cure"?
Over the past 15 years, he has experienced treatment for back pain for more than 50,000 people.
Performing treatment for the "cause" of pain, not relieving the pain on the spot
Propose "fundamental improvement".
The cause of pain is not in the painful place! Under the motto, we are carrying out a back pain eradication luck operation battle all over Japan.
Relieving pain with treatment is a passing point.
The true treatment is to build a body that does not return pain.
Tips for improving back pain as a back pain buster,
We will actively inform you about self-care by fascial yoga and stretching to prevent recurrence.
General Incorporated Association Molecular Consistency Medicine Beauty and Food Education Association Shonan Central Branch Manager
Professional Fasting Meister
Ultimate health method "fasting"
We will guide you through mineral fasting (enzyme fasting) that you can practice more safely and with peace of mind based on molecular matching medicine.
I spend my time without any regular meals, but during that time I replenish the minimum amount of calories, minerals and vitamins needed from the fasting drink, so it is a feature that I can do it safely and reasonably.
If sleep is a rest for the "brain", fasting is a rest for the "internal organs" and a "cleaning of the body". Why don't you take this opportunity to take this opportunity to clean up the internal organs that have never been rested since you were born?
By being cleaned cleanly, you will be awakened from the inside.
From the charm of Fasting as an Expert Fasting Meister, we will give you tips for daily diet, improvement of constitution, and detoxification.
#Low back pain #Erase in 3 seconds #Gymnastics # #Manipulative clinic
summary table 在 How to build a simple summary table - YouTube 的必吃
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