2020/10/17 (六)【產品經理Product Manager初階培訓班】
#認識產品經理職務內容 #建立商業概念 #醫藥品行銷戰術 #企劃流程介紹
線上報名網址 👉 https://forms.gle/1KURpKb9TPTjYtZL7
課程日期:109年10月17日 (六) 09:00至17:00 (08:30開始報到)
毛知寒 瑪里士實業有限公司行銷部 副總經理
1.基本觀念 General concept
2.消費者購買模式 Consumer purchase model
3.市場行銷組合 Marketing mix
4.策略規劃 Strategic planning
5.企劃流程 Planning process
6.行銷戰術 Tactics
7.產品經理的角色 Product manager role
I.基本觀念 General concept
1.行銷的定義 Definition of marketing
2.各種商業概念的演進 Evolution of various business concepts
3.市場行銷v.s.產品導向概念 Marketing v.s. Product oriented concept
4.市場行銷v.s.銷售導向概念 Marketing v.s. Sales oriented concept
II.市場行銷組合 Marketing Mix
1.4P行銷理論 P’s
2.4C行銷理論 C’s
III.策略規劃 Strategic Planning
1.市場定位 Positioning
2.市場區隔 Market segmentation
3.選擇目標市場 Targeting
IV.企劃流程 Planning Process
1.企劃的目的 Why plan
2.企劃的成功或失敗 Success or failure
3.6階段企劃流程 6 process stage
4.企劃格式 Planning format
V.產品經理 Product Manager
1.產品經理扮演的角色 The role of product manager
2.產品經理的職務內容 Job description
3.產品經理的主要工作任務 Major tasks
瑪里士實業有限公司 行銷部 副總經理
臺北醫學大學 藥學系 Taipei Medical University Bachelor of Pharmacy
Asia Institute Management – Mini MBA Course, Manila, Philippines
楊森大藥廠 Janssen-Cilag Taiwan
台灣必治妥施貴寶股份有限公司 Bristol-Myers
回春堂製藥廠股份有限公司 Hei-Chun-Tung
醫藥工業技術發展中心 Medical and Pharmaceutical Industry Technology and Development Center
永勝藥品工業股份有限公司 Everest Pharmaceutical
Product management
Business management
Business development
課程費用:每人2,500元 團體報名(含2人以上)每人2,200元 p.s.含中午供餐及中場休息點心
學苑信箱:bioschool@biotech-edu.com 學苑電話:02-2545-9721
oriented醫學 在 醫師立委邱泰源 Facebook 的最讚貼文
-2019/08/01晚間,邱泰源委員理事長率台灣醫師公會幹部參加「2019年世界醫學生聯盟第68屆八月大會開幕典禮(International Federation of Medical Students’ Associations)」,具體表達對台灣醫學生和聯盟的支持。
-邱委員表示,台灣醫療成就享譽國際,更長期提供國際人道救援。台灣醫師會TMA也與世界醫師會WMA等國際組織長期交流合作,醫療外交成就豐碩,所以樂見台灣醫學生也在國際舞台的努力。邱理事長也表示,公會一直邀請新血輪參與公共事務 。期勉傳承台灣醫師百年來關懷社會優良傳統,為生民立命,致力為台灣建立更優質的醫療及民眾就醫環境。(之軒)
Minister of Health and Welfare Dr. Shih-Chung Chen,
IFMSA Team of Officials,
Medical students from around the world,
Ladies and Gentlemen,
Good evening.
I am Dr. Tai Yuan Chiu, the president of Taiwan Medical Association. It is my great honor, on behalf of our 50,000 member physicians in Taiwan, to offer our genuine welcome and appreciation for your participation.
Medical students are the future doctors and play crucial roles in this fast transformation of healthcare system. FMS-Taiwan and IFMSA respectively serve as the voice of medical students and youth in Taiwan and around the world. Taiwan medical association has been collaborating closely with the organizing committee since last March, and I am inspired by the enthusiasm and amazing efforts by them.
The theme of this event is “Science, Technology, and Innovation for sustainable Health Care.” One important path towards this goal is to “achieve universal health coverage and access to quality health care”. Taiwan’s national health insurance, or NHI, provides coverage to more than 99% of the residents in Taiwan with high marks in both quantity and quality which is a great demonstration of universal health care. We also improved the electronic information system by introducing the PharmaCloud System, Physician order duplication check, and electronic referral. Being a medical student, you will undoubtedly face a new era of E health and it will be a great opportunity for young generations around the world to share their experiences during this event.
Taiwan is at the forefront of medicine, biotechnology, and public health. We have the best palliative care. The Quality of Death Index in Taiwan is ranked first in Asia and sixth in the world. Taiwan has an advanced network of primary care and family physicians that deliver people-centered, family-based, community-oriented healthcare. The Long-Term Care policy was praised by the Economist magazine as the second healthiest nation in the world. Besides acknowledging these medical achievements of Taiwan, I would also encourage you to spend some time visiting different places of this beautiful country. You can sense the warm hospitality, the famous Taiwanese cuisine, and the fascinating landscape.
We welcome your attendance at the assembly. I wish you all have a pleasant and memorable stay in Taipei.
Thank you.
oriented醫學 在 脊椎保健達人鄭雲龍 Facebook 的精選貼文
NBA冠軍賽結束了,恭喜多倫多暴龍隊奪下隊史第一座歐布萊恩冠軍盃,而尋求三連霸的勇士隊衛冕失利,其中Kevin Durant的阿基里斯腱斷裂與Klay Thompson的前十字韌帶撕裂傷必定是左右勝負的關鍵。為什麼連頂級的NBA球員在最完備的訓練下也會發生如此的意外?
這可能要歸咎於過去的運動訓練皆單一著重於肌力強度、心肺耐力適能與感覺動作神經的協調性這三種類型的訓練目標上而忽略了結締組織這一環,德國烏爾姆大學分子生物學博士Martina Zügel在2018年12月發表於英國運動醫學期刊的研究指出,大部分的與運動相關的組織過度負荷型運動傷害,在顯微觀察下得知幾乎都發生在白色的肌筋膜而非紅色的肌肉組織,因此建議在訓練中加上肌筋膜導向訓練(Fascia Oriented Training-FOT)來讓能量傳遞更有效率以及動作的察覺能力更敏感。
要了解何謂FOT就必須先了解肌肉與結締組織間能量轉移的模式,這個由美國布朗大學生物生態發展學教授Thomas Roberts所提出的三個機制,包含:如袋鼠彈跳般《節省能量》、如青蛙蹲跳般具《爆發力》與如體操落地般《避震緩衝》。
如此才能讓故障的肌筋膜藉由適當的評估與運動安排,讓肌筋膜更強韌、更有效率傳遞能量以完成更好的運動表現。下篇會再針對Kevin Duran與Klay Thompson的受傷機制與肌筋膜訓練建議再做說明。
#weifit #FasciaOrientedTraining #FOT
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