早安,你今天 Q 了嗎?
🇹🇼 In Italy, ‘Al Dente’ Is Prized. In Taiwan, It’s All About Food That’s ‘Q.’
🍭 NEW TAIPEI CITY, Taiwan — As dusk falls at Lehua Night Market, the fluorescent lights flicker on and the hungry customers start trickling in, anxious for a taste of the local delicacies that give this island its reputation as one of Asia’s finest culinary capitals. Neatly arranged pyramids of plump fish balls. Bowls brimming with tapioca balls bathed in lightly sweetened syrup. Sizzling oyster omelets, hot off the griddle. Deep-fried sweet potato puffs, still dripping with oil.
-fluorescent: 發出螢光的
-trickle in: 三三兩兩地抵達
-reputation: 名聲
-culinary: 烹飪的
-griddle: 鐵板、煎鍋
-deep-fried: 油炸的
🍡 Take a bite of any of these dishes and you’ll discover a unique texture. But how exactly do you describe that perfectly calibrated “mouth feel” so sought after by local cooks and eaters alike?
Slippery? Chewy? Globby? Not exactly the most flattering adjectives in the culinary world.
Luckily, the Taiwanese have a word for this texture. Well, actually, it’s not a word, it’s a letter — one that even non-Chinese speakers can pronounce.
It’s “Q.”
-texture: 口感、質地、韻味
-calibrate: 校準、調整、調配
-be sought after: 趨之若鶩
-chewy: 有嚼勁的
🥤 “It’s difficult to explain what Q means exactly,” said Liu Yen-ling, a manager at Chun Shui Tang, a popular teahouse chain that claims to have invented tapioca milk tea in Taiwan. “Basically it means springy, soft, elastic.”
Q texture is to Taiwanese what umami is to Japanese and al dente is to Italians — that is, cherished and essential. Around Taiwan, the letter Q can often be glimpsed amid a jumble of Chinese characters on shop signs and food packages and in convenience stores and advertisements.
「Q」的口感之於台灣人,就等於「umami」(鮮)之於日本人,「al dente」(有嚼勁)之於義大利人——備受珍視,也必不可少。在台灣各地,可以在店鋪招牌和便利店、廣告的食物包裝中的一堆中文字裡瞥見「Q」這個字母。
-tapioca milk tea: 珍珠奶茶
-springy: 有彈性的、彈牙的
-umami: 鮮味
-al dente: 彈牙、有嚼勁
-glimpse: 瞥見
加入每日國際選讀計畫,發揚台灣 QQ 美食
#告訴我✍🏻 「你覺得哪家珍珠最 Q? 」
#小孩子才做選擇 #我全都要
neatly中文 在 Brian 布萊恩 Facebook 的最佳貼文
The Chinese words for “to be” and “four” should sound different?!
You can’t end an English sentence with a preposition?!
Our human languages are also a product of nature, if you think everything can be neatly explained with rules, you can explore the world with this zoologist~
If prescriptive linguistic principles were applied to zooology :P
If you love language, be a descriptivist, not a prescriptivist!
Just because a word isn't in your dictionary, doesn't mean it isn't a word.
Just because a dialect is different from the standard language, doesn't mean it isn't valid.
Just because someone uses a word in a way you aren't familiar with, doesn't mean they are wrong.
And, however you feel about it, language evolution is inevitable, so you might as well enjoy it :)
Check out all my other linguistics related posts here:
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