聚會中,出生來自中國、韓國、台灣的我們,現在都住美國,有人創業做meet up網站、當國小老師、在Adobe管數據分析,我則是做網站App的產品管理。人生大不同,但一樣的是我們都對十年前的留學生活充滿感恩與懷念。
Master degree reunion. We are originally from Taiwan, Korea and China. Ten years after graduate school, we now are meet up site entrepreneur, elementary school teacher, product marketing manager and data scientist!
IG: AnyaCheng0908
#northwesternuniversity #wildcat #medill #imc #purplepride #reunion
#整合行銷傳播 #西北大學
purplepride 在 矽谷阿雅 Anya Cheng Facebook 的最讚貼文
今天到西北大學舊金山校區參加校友活動,聽之前蘋果Steve Jobs的行銷公司幹部談品牌定位,「擁抱真實的自己」是其中一個重點,我這個週末會來寫細節。
Joined Northwestern University alumni event. Listed to marketer Andy’s great talk about positioning and learn about how to leverage your authentic strength. (Will share with you more this weekend about that.)
Reconnected with old classmates who is working for Intel, with old direct report who is working for Uber, with old school professor “Father of IMC” Don Schultz, and of course, with incoming IMC graduates who were as nervous as I was ten years ago! Also made few live videos for you guys.
Time flies, ten years! So glad that is still feel like going home when go to NU events. Medill changed my life and so honor to be purple and so happy I can give back.
Had theee work meeting after I went home from the event. What a busy and amazing day! 🎂
Andrea "Andy" Cunningham is an American strategic marketing and communications enterpreneur. She helped launch the Apple Macintosh in 1984 as a part of Regis McKenna, and founded Cunningham Communication, Inc., widely regarded as one of the top public relations firms for Silicon Valley high-tech companies in the 1980s and 1990s. During the time she led Cunningham Communication, she was so well known that her business card just said "Andy". She is currently the President of Cunningham Collective, a brand strategy, marketing and communications firm.
Medill - Northwestern University
Northwestern University
#PurplePride #西北大學 #Wildcat #整合行銷傳播 #IMC #AndyCunninghan
purplepride 在 矽谷阿雅 Anya Cheng Facebook 的最佳解答
西北大學舊金山分校整合行銷傳播系教授談學校近況 Northwestern University Medill School of Journalism, Media and Integrated Marketing Communications professor talks about school updates
Medill - Northwestern University
#Medill #NorthwesternUniversity
Northwestern University