聚會中,出生來自中國、韓國、台灣的我們,現在都住美國,有人創業做meet up網站、當國小老師、在Adobe管數據分析,我則是做網站App的產品管理。人生大不同,但一樣的是我們都對十年前的留學生活充滿感恩與懷念。
Master degree reunion. We are originally from Taiwan, Korea and China. Ten years after graduate school, we now are meet up site entrepreneur, elementary school teacher, product marketing manager and data scientist!
IG: AnyaCheng0908
#northwesternuniversity #wildcat #medill #imc #purplepride #reunion
#整合行銷傳播 #西北大學
medill 在 矽谷阿雅 Anya Cheng Facebook 的精選貼文
Many people asked me, “The tuition of a master degree in the U.S. is expensive. How is the ROI?” I said, “that’s one of the best decisions I made in my life so far!” It opened my eyes and gave me the key for a world that I couldn’t imagine before. Of course, having a great time at a reunion with my roommate from ten years ago was one of the many benefits of being a Northwestern University alum. 💜
#northwesternuniversity #medill #人生抉擇 #老同學聚會
IG: AnyaCheng0908
medill 在 矽谷阿雅 Anya Cheng Facebook 的精選貼文
Northwestern Medill recently announced new scholarships of up to $35,000 for students admitted to the Integrated Marketing Communications full-time master’s program for the 2019-2020 school year. Learn more and apply. #Medill #medillimc http://bit.ly/2BduY0a