交大電子研究所特邀德國 #Aachen大學 Christoph Jungemann教授——8/13~24開授暑修課程【 Simulation of Electronic Noise in Devices】,歡迎本系所及外系所學生踴躍來修習。7/6(五)前洽電子系所辦公室~
#加選:請於7/6(五)下午17:00前至 #電子系所辦公室(ED107)找翁小姐加選。
——106 學年(暑修)課程綱要 Summer Course Outlines ——
#課程名稱Course Name:
(英文)Simulation of electronic noise in devices
#修課對象 Attendee:Student
教學要點概述Evaluation:考試Exam 60%、作業Assignment 40%
開課單位:電子研究所 Institute of Electronics
Electronic noise is an unavoidable property of semiconductor devices and degrades their performance. It has to be taken into account in the design of analog circuits.
In the first part of the course, briefly the fundamentals of analog circuit theory (N-ports, gain and stability etc.) are reviewed. Next basic concepts of noise in devices and circuits are introduced. Based on these concepts the impedance field method is derived and compact models for noise in devices (pn diode, bipolar transistor, MOSFET) are developed. The noise properties of these devices are discussed.
In the second part of the course, the numerical methods necessary for device simulation are introduced. This covers grids, discretization of partial differential equations, solvers for large systems of equations, the drift-diffusion model, stationary calculations, transient simulations and their stability and analysis in the frequency domain. Finally, numerical devices simulation of electronic noise will be explained.
In the exercise of the first part problems relating to the theory are solved. In the second part, a simple device simulation program in MATLAB is developed.
mosfet basic 在 COMPOTECHAsia電子與電腦 - 陸克文化 Facebook 的精選貼文
#電源管理 #隔離Isolation #閘極驅動器GateDriver #共模暫態抗擾度CMTI
【All-in-one 閘極驅動器,隔離用電意外】
電子產品在尋求便利之際,電源安全是第一考量!舉凡工廠自動化、消費電子、電梯/空調/電動車等馬達驅動、智慧電網、醫療設備或太陽能電力系統轉換等存在壓差的應用,在將電源或資料從高電壓電路傳輸到低電壓進行通訊時,皆需做隔離 (Isolation,意同「絕緣」);以承受接地電位差以及與高能量的破壞性接地迴路隔離,避免外來電擊隨電路竄入,造成設備損壞或危及人身安全。
所謂的隔離可分為基本型 (Basic) 和強化型 (Reinforce) 兩種,其中「強化型」即是在兩極做雙重隔離;以牆壁兩孔電源插座為例,表示所連接的地線及火線若轉換時沒做隔離,使用者在碰觸時可能有觸電危險。隔離強度可藉「共模暫態抗擾度」(CMTI) 量化評估,該數值越高越好,代表輸入與輸出的訊號沒有失真;即使在高壓環境中驅動 MOSFET,也不致因外來干擾造成誤動作而引發災難。
具隔離機制的閘極驅動器 (Gate Driver) 因可透過單一器件做引腳配置,驅動多種電路開關架構、實現高速傳輸;加速高頻開關時間能降低開關損耗,且訊號輸入到輸出的傳播延遲時間 (propagation delay time) 僅以「奈秒」計算,方便迅速對控制迴路補償修正。此外,相較於採離散元件設計的 AC-DC 轉換變壓器,可精簡體積,對於資料中心、企業伺服器或電信系統來說,將大幅提高空間運用的「坪效」,創造更多產值。
《TI:強化隔離Gate Driver雙重防護設備及人身安全》
#德州儀器TI #UCC21520
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mosfet basic 在 Introduction to MOSFET | Depletion and Enhancement Mode ... 的必吃
Jan 18, 2021 - MOSFET is a type of FET Transistor used in switching and amplification. Basic tutorial about MOSFET structure, n-channel mosfet amplifier. ... <看更多>