愷愷的選擇 17/24 寒露 之 柚子果醬+柚子雞肉蛋長棍麵包
天氣漸漸變涼 趁著這個最舒服的溫度 我決定出門走走
我喜歡開車 一路上看著風景 用最適合我自己的速度前進
一個人靜靜地體會 靜靜地與自己對話
寒露是柚子盛產的季節 熱情的鄰居送來一整箱
我一個人吃不完 決定拿一些來做柚子果醬
在大自然裡 我永遠是個學生 不斷的向它學習 同時 也更認識我自己 :)
Kai Kai’s Choice: Cold Dew (17/24) and Pomelo Marmalade + Scrambled Egg with Pomelo Open Sandwich
As the temperature drops, I decided to get out of the house in such pleasant weather.
I like driving, enjoying the scenery on the way with my own speed.
Experience the journey and reflect on myself in this serenity.
Pomelos are ripe during cold dew.
The generous neighbor sent me a full box of pomelo which I can’t finish on my own, hence I decided to make some pomelo marmalade.
I am always learning from the nature as a student and get to know more about myself in the process. :)
露營場地提供 Campground provided by:牧羊小豆子
#season #lifestyle #cooking #food #healing #pomelo #marmalade
#chicken #scrambledegg #opensandwich #camping
#kaikaischoice #kaikaitzeng #曾愷玹 #柚子果醬 #柚子雞肉蛋長棍麵包 #露營 #ゆず #ジャム #チキン #エッグ #バゲット #キャンプ
#유자잼 #유자 #치킨 #에그 #바게 #캠핑
유자잼 在 曾愷玹 Facebook 的精選貼文
If you like my videos ,please subscribe my YouTube Channel:
「愷愷的選擇 17/24 寒露 之 柚子果醬+柚子雞肉蛋長棍麵包」
天氣漸漸變涼 趁著這個最舒服的溫度 我決定出門走走
我喜歡開車 一路上看著風景 用最適合我自己的速度前進
一個人靜靜地體會 靜靜地與自己對話
寒露是柚子盛產的季節 熱情的鄰居送來一整箱
我一個人吃不完 決定拿一些來做柚子果醬
在大自然裡 我永遠是個學生 不斷的向它學習 同時 也更認識我自己 :)
As the temperature drops, I decided to get out of the house in such pleasant weather.
I like driving, enjoying the scenery on the way with my own speed.
Experience the journey and reflect on myself in this serenity.
Pomelos are ripe during cold dew.
The generous neighbor sent me a full box of pomelo which I can’t finish on my own, hence I decided to make some pomelo marmalade.
I am always learning from the nature as a student and get to know more about myself in the process. :)
工作人員 Staff
導演 Director:W.T
攝影 Director of Photography:W.T
演員 Actress:Kai Kai Tzeng
化妝 Make up:Clearday
髮型 Hair style:Clearday
美術 Art Director:Mayliao
調光師 Colorist : YANG YAHSIN
9 & 3/4 Post production : LEn DW & Mager H
平面攝影 Graphic photographer: LDD
露營場地提供Campground provide:牧羊小豆子
字幕 Subtitle
英文 English Version: Steph Cheng (Recipe); Phillip Dieringer (O.S.)
韓文 Korean Version:KIM MYUNG JUN
日文 Japanese Version:Orange Hung
製作:Call Me Bear X 葳愷股份有限公司
#season #lifestyle #cooking #food #healing #pomelo #Marmalade
#Chicken #ScrambledEgg #OpenSandwich
#kaikaischoice #Kaikaitzeng #曾愷玹 #柚子果醬 #柚子雞肉蛋長棍麵包 #ゆず #ジャム #チキン #エッグ #バゲット #유자잼 #유자 #치킨 #에그 #바게트
유자잼 在 유자잼 yuja jam 유튜브 채널 분석 보고서 - NoxInfluencer 的必吃
유자잼 yuja jam유튜브 채널의 실시간 구독자, 랭킹 순위, 월수익 예측, 평균 조회수 등 다양한 데이터를 확인할 수 있는 유튜브 통계 및 분석 페이지입니다. ... <看更多>