連假最後一天 你的便便都還好嗎?是上太多還是根本上不出來別急著沖馬桶 觀察一下黃金們💩是哪一種?
圖片中的便便分類 在醫學上我們稱為 #布里斯托糞便分類法( Bristol stool form scale )
依照外觀的不同 大致可分為 7 種類型 大家可以對照圖表
了解你最近的便便情況是便秘、正常 還是腹瀉?
⚠️ #便秘:
如果是便秘 通常會形成像羊便便或凹凸不平的形狀
可能缺乏水份或膳食纖維 腸道蠕動能力較差
或是情緒一直在緊張、興奮的狀態 也可能拉出羊咩咩般的便便
1.喝水要足夠 幫助沖刷
4.澱粉以全穀雜糧為主 少精緻澱粉
✔️ #正常大便
一整條的成形便便 類似香蕉的滑順便便或是帶有大腸裂紋的條狀便
落水後會微微漂浮在水中 表示便便的水份足夠、不會太乾!
⚠️ #腹瀉 #拉肚子 #烙賽
1.補充水、好菌、富含果膠的食物 可以雙向調節~
像是優酪乳 優格、納豆、蘋果、香蕉
除了看形狀 也可以聞一聞味道來分辨:
可能連在公共場所解便 也不至於令人尷尬
像是炸雞、控肉 或時常大魚大肉等
✔️另外正常健康的便便 應該要是漂亮的黃褐色或金黃色!
也不太會沾黏在馬桶或屁屁肛門口、不需要用太多的衛生紙擦 就可以擦乾淨
也提醒大家 以上只是大略的方向跟日常飲食方針
若實施解決辦法卻都沒有改善 一定要盡快就醫並釐清原因
#腸道健康 #消化道 #消化道健康 #消化道保養 #懶人包 #營養師 #營養師高敏敏 #高敏敏營養師 #高敏敏 #營養懶人包 #營養師懶人包 #懶人包補帖 派
大便鬆散不成形 在 CheckCheckCin Facebook 的最佳貼文
春天的天氣就是濕,濕邪正是中醫理論中六淫(風、寒、暑、濕、燥、火)之一,如體內聚積太多濕氣未能排出,就會造成「濕重」。 「因於濕,首如裹」,「濕重」令人感到頭重重、頭暈胸悶;濕氣擅長侵犯皮膚,輕則多面油,重則濕疹反覆發作;濕氣擅長侵犯腸胃,令人出現食慾差,胃脘脹滿、腹脹肚瀉等症狀;濕氣擅長侵犯身體下部,引起腳氣、白帶增多、下身水腫等問題。如何得知自己是否濕重?看看你身體是否有以下濕重十大訊號:
☐ 體型肥胖 — 實際上是水腫,尤其下半身水腫,肌肉鬆軟
☐ 舌苔濕潤黏膩 — 有如豆腐壓碎後薄薄一層又難以刮掉
☐ 容易疲倦 — 身體猶如被濕毛巾裹着一樣,睡足6-8小時仍疲倦不堪
☐ 多汗又多油 — 汗比較黏,容易出面油
☐ 怕冷又怕熱 — 對溫度非常敏感
☐ 痰多 — 嘴裡有黏黏的感覺
☐ 食慾差 — 吃一點點就有飽滯感覺,容易腹脹
☐ 睡眠質素差 — 睡覺時亦容易流口水
☐ 大便稀爛 — 大便不成形,較鬆散
☐ 女士白帶多 — 色白質稠,甚至帶異味
✔️CheckCheckCin 米水推介:朝米水
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Ten signs of dampness in the body
The weather during spring is highly humid, and dampness is one of the six pathogenic factors in Chinese Medicine (wind, cold, summer heat, dampness, dryness, and fire). If we fail to get rid of the dampness, then it would accumulate in our body.
The accumulated dampness in the body can cause a heavy feeling in the head, dizziness, and tightness in the chest. The dampness can also affect the skin, causing the skin to be oily or even have regular eczema outbreaks. It can also attack the intestines and stomach, causing individuals to develop appetite loss, abdominal bloating, and diarrhea. At the same time, it can severely affect the lower half of the body, causing one to have the athlete's foot, excessive vaginal discharge, and water retention problem in the lower half of the body.
In order to find out if there is excessive dampness in your body, look for these ten signs:
☐ Rounded body shape - prone to edema, especially in the lower body. Loose muscles
☐ Damp and sticky tongue coating - similar to crushed tofu. A thin layer that is difficult to brush off
☐ Fatigue - the body feels so tired like it's wrapped by a wet towel. Feel tired even after 6-8 hours of adequate sleep.
☐ Excessive sweat and oil - sweat is sticky and easy to have facial oil
☐ Afraid of cold and heat - very sensitive to temperature
☐ Excessive phlegm - sticky feeling in mouth
☐ Poor appetite - feel full after eating little. Abdominal bloating
☐ Poor sleep quality - prone to drooling in your sleep
☐ Loose stool - stool does not form shape, soft, loose or watery
☐ Ladies will have vaginal discharge - white or thick with heavy odor
If your body exhibits 3 signs and above, then it has been affected by the pathogenic factor of dampness. Don’t forget to strengthen the spleen to eliminate dampness, in order to prevent the condition from worsening. Eat your meals at a regular schedule, and avoid raw, cold, fried, heavily seasoned, greasy, thick, sweet, and overly nourishing food.
Consume ingredients such as barley, Chinese yam, black-eyed pea, and poria, exercise regularly to sweat it out, and drink a cup of rice water a day. All these can strengthen the spleen and get rid of dampness from the body.
✔ Recommendation: Dawn Rice Water
Ingredients: Red Rice, Coix Seed, White Rice
Effects: Suitable for the whole family to enhance physical wellbeing, especially those with a weak digestive system or with a phlegm and dampness body type.
Note: Not suitable for pregnant women. Pregnant Rice Water is recommended during pregnancy.
Welcome to order through our website:
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