working parents 在 Part 2 of My Talk with my (Asian) Mother 的影片資訊
While editing this video, I felt a million and one things. I thought about how different people may ...
While editing this video, I felt a million and one things. I thought about how different people may ...
Family bonding is important to my family being us, the parents are working full time and we apprecia...
【#宜蘭合法民宿推薦】 感受自然美景的家 ✨ #冬杉荷民宿 ✨ 你有多久沒有帶著 父母出外走走了? 出外打拼的同時, 別忘了也要適時的與 家人一同好好放鬆。 你感受過了, 自然而然就會型成一種特色, ...
Yeah‼️ SiennyLovesDrawing ?? has brought her parents ???? & little niece ?? for a special Christmas ...
The most common question I get is what camera should I get. We live in an incredible time where came...
Talents: Kai @kairoeehc Deric Ayumi @ayumiazizan Shah @shamielya_shamsul Ernest @ernest...
JR又來了!這次是當面試官! 老實說,我第一次面試時(非老師工作)就是帶著「零經驗」的履歷去的, 那時真的就是憑著我的「一片真心」打動面試官!(哈哈!😜) 我記得我大致上就是如影片中這樣說的! 稍微...
I'm a designer, commercial model, aspiring actor and a fitness enthusiast. Chasing a dream not buil...
Finally the last day of my One Month Project Comeback!! Many of you requested a cooking video with m...
I'm a designer, commercial model, aspiring actor and a fitness enthusiast. Chasing a dream not buil...