the art of the deal 在 The Secret Overseas Headquarters of North Korea 的影片資訊
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Our Merch: Our Patreon: Nebula: http...
Out and about trying to get a good deal on the iPad Pro from Apple that my husband has been contempl...
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My husband has been working really hard lately. Many nights grinding on getting bids done and today ...
My baby niece Evelyn is turning 1 and we are celebrating with a big party all nicely set up for her!...
Breaking out with pimples continues. I'm wondering if it's the milk or the baby stealing momma's bea...
Being in the public eye people have a sense of entitlement on my life and what I should or not be do...
之前跟大家提過,我們又要搬家了,原因就在這個影片中跟大家說明講清楚啦! 另外,還要跟大家分享一款我們很喜歡的德國超市鐵罐麵包。超級方便又美味,重點是很划算哪!!! 最後還帶大家去德國大學城卡爾斯魯爾K...
先跟大家說抱歉,我的麥克風沒有調好,錄完才發現有些片段的音質不好,就請大家見諒囉!? 日積月累地積了一堆新產品,買的速度根本比追不上想跟大家分享的速度啊~~~所以我只好變更計畫,只開箱不試色和實測了...
又是一個當天早上才決定的隨機小旅行 ? 之前都是開車經過荷蘭,但沒有真正的看看這個國家,這次總算是真的可以好好看看這美麗的國家了! 馬斯垂克Maastricht這個城市挺特別的,不僅僅是名產,在這城市...