still water 在 [Short Movie] Dreaming in Daylight 【短編映画】大江戸河童伝説 的影片資訊
[Kappa] In Japan, there are sprites called "Kappa". It looks like mix between a human child and a f...
[Kappa] In Japan, there are sprites called "Kappa". It looks like mix between a human child and a f...
I took the liberty of re-uploading this video because in 10 years, 20 years time I would like you to...
這一段小影片比較特別一點所以要跟大家講解一下: 雖然 FOFO 這一年多很幸福, 整個家人都很愛她, 她也都很自在的生活, 可是有一個習慣她無法改掉: "就是喝水". 她很怕別人看到她喝水. 第一次...
This is crispy truffles recipe using leftover hina-arare ;) March 3rd is Hinamatsuri (Japanese Doll...
This is my first ever makeup video tutorial. I know it is still not good enough and got lots of room...
食い倒れの街、大阪ですが、そのミナミの街は食べ物以外にもいろいろ楽しい場所がありますねぇ。 夕食を食べにミナミへやってきましたので、いくつか有名どころを散策してみました。 http://youtu.b...
It's 3 am here...Finally I finished editing. t's been a while since last time. This miso soup is ver...
This tutorial will show you how to cook steamed /boiled rice in a pot on a stove. I already have a ...
Hello sunshine! In this video, I share some beauty recommendations for the warmer season Summer. I ...
[Please read] Hey guys, Here is another DIY video since you guys like this type of video ^.^ I love...