sea water mixture 在 蘿蔔蝦米餅?3幾分鐘就做到?屋企食得開心?自製?熱爆影片推薦?香脆惹味 食過人人讚?超易零失敗?吾冼$10蚊?大大碟?吾冼特別調味 ?唔使特別用具?快 靚 正♨️健康小食?下午茶 ☕️備?️中英文翻譯 的影片資訊
⬇️⬇️English recipe follows ⬇️⬇️ 蝦米蘿蔔餅: 材料: 白蘿蔔1斤 麪粉 雞蛋2隻 蝦米2兩 處理: 1. 蝦米用清水浸3分鐘至軟身。 2. 蘿蔔刨去皮,切條放入...
⬇️⬇️English recipe follows ⬇️⬇️ 蝦米蘿蔔餅: 材料: 白蘿蔔1斤 麪粉 雞蛋2隻 蝦米2兩 處理: 1. 蝦米用清水浸3分鐘至軟身。 2. 蘿蔔刨去皮,切條放入...
⬇️⬇️English recipe follows⬇️⬇️ 芋頭糕: 材料: 芋頭1斤 迷你紫薯1個 蝦米3湯匙 臘腸4條 臘肉4兩 粘米粉160克 鹽1茶匙 水跟隨做糕盤的8成 處理: 1....
Hello friends! Today we're going to show you how to make no-bake white chocolate cheesecake with del...
⬇️⬇️English recipe follows⬇️⬇️ 芋頭糕: 材料: 芋頭1斤 迷你紫薯1個 蝦米3湯匙 臘腸4條 臘肉4兩 粘米粉160克 鹽1茶匙 水跟隨做糕盤的8成 處理: 1....
Hi, everyone. :) Today we'll show you how to make a super easy but crazy delicious little chocolate ...
[Cute stripe design! DIY Bath salts] ■ Material cost: About $6 ■ Working time: 30 minutes 【Material...
⬇️⬇️English recipe follows ⬇️⬇️ 蝦米蘿蔔餅: 材料: 白蘿蔔1斤 麪粉 雞蛋2隻 蝦米2兩 處理: 1. 蝦米用清水浸3分鐘至軟身。 2. 蘿蔔刨去皮,切條放入...
Primitive Technology with Survival Skills Ancient Bricks is our next video. In this video we made an...
Whole Egg .................... 3 Pcs Egg Yolk ........... 1 Pcs Butter .............. 60g Water .......
Chūkadon is Japanese donburi dish inspired by Chinese cuisine. Ingredients I used (serving 2-3) : 1...