online coloring 在 How to Paint a Blue Hydrangea in Watercolor | Learn Colors for Beginners 的影片資訊
Link to download this hydrangea sketch : Jay Lee is a specialized wate...
Link to download this hydrangea sketch : Jay Lee is a specialized wate...
ay Lee is a specialized watercolor artist. My videos are showing how to paint flowers, nature and ot...
Đây là cuốn sổ sẽ giúp bạn học tiếng anh tốt hơn đấy ❤ Sản phẩm được nhắc đến trong video: Sổ tay C...
錄好一陣子的影片終於開剪了!這段時間不知道在忙什麼(忙網購吧XD),剪片進度一直停滯,尤其是這一個影片... 當時邊錄就邊想,糟糕,這麼多片段、又這麼長,要剪到哪一年啊~~~果真,剪到我屁股都開花了....
Beli di Althea : Beli di shopee : R...
跪求有空的朋友 為影片加上字幕(中文即可) 萬分感謝
SECOND video in a series describing my work on the new "Yuragi" comic that I will be publishing onli...
Hey Everyone!!!! So for today, the only important thing that I am doing today is getting my blood w...