#LatteArt #CoffeeArt #Nanofoamer **我並未付費購買此商品,此商品由台灣代理商免費提供測試** 想找我可以直接留言或是到粉絲專頁 粉絲專頁(可以幫你回答問題):h...
This time we'll see what mistake we'll made when we're just start to learn latte art. I'll talk abou...
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Thank you guys. Finally this channel reached 10000 subscribers. Thank you for like this channel. I w...
This video shows the important points to learn latte art. If you are just begging to learn latte art...
How to froth a good milk foam, and how do I froth the milk foam for lattr art. Here's some step by s...
I re-upload a new video without that wand and the sad music. Haters, I have to thank you guys to mak...
In last video, we know which type of milk foam we want. Today, let's see how to pour. Watch quick t...
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