londonlife 在 20th Birthday Get Ready With Me+Vlog | Petrus Restaurant London 的影片資訊
I got to go to Gordon ramsay's restaurant for my birthday and I couldn't be happier!!! This has bee...
I got to go to Gordon ramsay's restaurant for my birthday and I couldn't be happier!!! This has bee...
I LOVE COOKING!!! SOMEONE SEND HELP!!! This has been really fun, if you enjoyed it, I would love to...
【英國生活】倫敦過聖誕|本地人怎樣過聖誕?我又點過聖誕?分享5個英國本地人聖誕必做的傳統 以前好想喺聖誕期間去倫敦玩,可以影聖誕燈飾、逛聖誕市集,感覺上係一件好浪漫嘅事呢?? 喺倫敦生活咗2年,過咗...
??倫敦地鐵?首次遇到停駛經歷? 喺倫敦搭地鐵?通常都會遇到Delay或者係暫停行駛嘅情況,我嘅第一次停駛經歷就真係難忘啦! 一切就發生喺2年前嘅中秋節...順便帶大家睇下我返工放工成日搭嘅有超過百...