little stories 在 Foreigners Vaccine Experience in Taiwan! WHY so afraid of the side effects? 外國人在台灣AZ疫苗體驗:為什麼這麼害怕副作用 的影片資訊
It’s time for my vaccine! But after some scary stories about side effects I am a little bit apprehen...
It’s time for my vaccine! But after some scary stories about side effects I am a little bit apprehen...
A short video essay about how I nudge myself back on track whenever I feel a little lost in life. S...
【這個影片是facebook直播錄影留檔】 今天的影片開始前,請幫孩子準備八個顏色的積木,或是樂高。 Morning Reading #早安閱讀時間 Day 3 今日讀本:Blocks (Leve...
【這個影片是facebook直播錄影留檔】 Morning Reading #早安閱讀時間 Day 1 今日讀本:I See a Tree (Level AA Fiction) 今日歌曲:Twink...
【這個影片是facebook直播錄影留檔】 Morning Reading #早安閱讀時間 Day 3 今日讀本:Blocks 今日歌曲:Twinkle, Twinkle Little Stars ...
So much fun recreating this 2 beautiful idol looks ! Let me know what makeup videos you would want t...
Ten Minutes to Bed: Little Dinosaur By Rhiannon Fielding and Chris Chatterton Target Age: 3-8 ??pe...
Even though the cherry blossom season can get pretty chaotic, there are still plenty of lesser known...