hong kong disneyland 在 Hong Kong Disneyland Toy Story Land | 香港迪士尼樂園 反斗奇兵大本營 的影片資訊
先去試玩「沖天遙控車」、「玩具兵團跳降傘」及「轉轉彈弓狗」! 第一次用 Sony Tablet S 拍片, 原來質素也不錯呢!欲看效果請看720P...
先去試玩「沖天遙控車」、「玩具兵團跳降傘」及「轉轉彈弓狗」! 第一次用 Sony Tablet S 拍片, 原來質素也不錯呢!欲看效果請看720P...
即將於2011年11月18日在香港迪士尼樂園開幕的 Toy Story Land 裡共有三個機動遊戲,其中這個「沖天遙控車」最刺激!...
Hong Kong Disneyland 2010 Christmas Special Guest - Duffy Bear!...
2007 Oct 27 Happy coffee cup spinning in HK Disneyland. FASTER FASTER FASTER!!!...
Hi everyone, I just spent my 16's birthday in Hong Kong Disney on 27 December 2009! this is the fina...
Hi everyone, I just spent my 16's birthday in Hong Kong Disney on 27 December 2009! this is the fift...
Hi everyone, I just spent my 16's birthday in Hong Kong Disney on 27 December 2009! this is the four...
Hi everyone, I just spent my 16's birthday in Hong Kong Disney on 27 December 2009! this is the thir...
Hi everyone, I just spent my 16's birthday in Hong Kong Disney on 27 December 2009! this is the seco...
Hi everyone, I just spent my 16's birthday in Hong Kong Disney on 27 December 2009! this is the firs...