have a nice weekend email 在 UK Daily|菠菜起司蛋貝果?、韓式泡菜炒飯?、海南雞飯?|Audrey英國留學筆記 的影片資訊
Happy Saturday? 嗨嗨大家! 好久不見的UK Daily終於回來了? 但這週依舊微水逆哈哈哈 跟大家解釋一下什麼是Add-On Add-On主要是手機流量快用完的時候 我們可以從手機上...
Happy Saturday? 嗨嗨大家! 好久不見的UK Daily終於回來了? 但這週依舊微水逆哈哈哈 跟大家解釋一下什麼是Add-On Add-On主要是手機流量快用完的時候 我們可以從手機上...
Happy Saturday? 嗨嗨大家! 我家網路總算修好了?(但有時候還是會故障(無奈 今天終於可以上這種大長vlog!! 我自己都感動? 來倫敦的第一週真的什麼都不順? 應該說到昨天為止都陸陸...
Happy Saturday ☀️ 嘿 大家好嗎! 這支影片沒做ending是因為ending會在下一支影片裡? 這隻太長了 所以我想說分成上下集哈哈哈 (等下準備來剪下集?) 在剪這支影片的時候...
This makeup look is actually my GO-TO for everyday right now! If you see me out and about, I most pr...
I was whisked off to a private island by Wardah with a bunch of really beautiful and popular influen...
It’s a chatty one! Don’t forget to share this video to your social media and tag me! GIVEAWAY RULES:...
A lot of people ask me what I do when I'm not Youtubing. Well, I enjoy driving fun cars and cruisin...
Melaka have a special spot in my heart because it is where my mil hometown is. Recent weekend we wen...
If you have kids and want to bring them out and tired of malls. Then, why not bring them to Rabbit P...
Get Extra 10% off when you spent US$49 or more with the YesStyle X’mas coupon 2017XMAS. Share my vi...