fermented soybean 在 【熱門料理】善用保鮮盒,搖一搖,美味就上桌!!可以醃,可以蒸,可以做涼菜,看過就知道神奇!! 的影片資訊
📌買【KOM】正方形保鮮盒四件組 按這裡→https://lihi1.cc/vM9ji 酸辣馬鈴薯絲 材料: 馬鈴薯絲 500公克/potato 500g 蔥絲 20公克/scallion 20g...
📌買【KOM】正方形保鮮盒四件組 按這裡→https://lihi1.cc/vM9ji 酸辣馬鈴薯絲 材料: 馬鈴薯絲 500公克/potato 500g 蔥絲 20公克/scallion 20g...
Freeze dried food maker Amano Foods 'Miso Katsu'. Katsu is pork cutlet. Miso Katsu is Nagoya prefect...
▋简介Introduction #曼食慢语 最近好冷~全国都降温了,其实这是大自然给我们的指示啊——亲,这边建议火锅赶紧吃起来呢!羊肉锅在冬天真的是在我必吃榜前排的,其中我强烈推荐羊蝎子火锅,啃完脱...
저희 영상 좋아하시면 '구독'과 ‘알림🔔’ 꼬~옥 눌러주세요 喜歡我們的影片記得按「訂閱」和「通知」唷 ____________________________________________ ...
*中文字幕/ chinese sub,請按影片右下角的CC(手機上是影片右上角的) Miso stew (된장찌개 Doenjang-chigae) is a typical soul food wh...
Steamed fish can taste so good when done right. Soon Hock is a premium freshwater fish that has a ve...
#tempeh #tempe #fermented #天貝 材料表/文字食譜 http://www.beanpanda.com/143941 Amazon Tempeh Starter http...
Mee siam is considered one of Singaporean's favourite dishes and amongst the most notable in Singapo...
The sweetness and savoury quality of Miso compliment and tie in the flavours of eggplant and green p...
Tefal法國特福 巧變精靈系列10件組|https://goo.gl/8uHhne 冬瓜茶 材料: 冬瓜皮 400g wax gourd 冬瓜瓤籽 500g pulp and seeds...