famous photographer 在 胡夏《那些年》(電影「那些年,我們一起追的女孩」主題曲)小提琴版本 | Violin【Cover by AnViolin】 的影片資訊
■ 更多林子安: INSTAGRAM:https://www.instagram.com/an__official/ FACEBOOK:https://www.facebook.com/Anvioli...
■ 更多林子安: INSTAGRAM:https://www.instagram.com/an__official/ FACEBOOK:https://www.facebook.com/Anvioli...
May all your dreams come true 🌟 The famous music theme from Disney. Hello everyone❤️Welcome to Lily...
【新竹形象照VLOG】不用重新投胎,找對攝影師即可!遇見更好的自己!展現美麗與自信。(非業配影片) ft. iWE Studio - #新竹人相攝影 #講師形象照 #新竹攝影分享 - 時隔一年,終於...
■ 更多林子安: INSTAGRAM:https://www.instagram.com/an__official/ FACEBOOK:https://www.facebook.com/Anvioli...
Two of the best places to photograph Japan during winter are Toyama and Nagano. Both of these places...
■ 更多林子安: INSTAGRAM:https://www.instagram.com/an__official/ FACEBOOK:https://www.facebook.com/Anvioli...
阿里山上有位攝影達人黃源明,他已經在阿里山拍了三十多年,對阿里山一草一木非常了解。Alana跟著黃老師,拍攝著名的阿里山櫻花,漫步水山步道,同時還進行了一場精彩的夜間探險,夜拍滿山美麗的螢火蟲。 T...
■ 更多林子安: INSTAGRAM:https://www.instagram.com/an__official/ FACEBOOK:https://www.facebook.com/Anvioli...
In this video, I want to show you the real moments through our trip in Nagano. This was day one and ...
This is a vlog about me shooting Nara and Kyoto in a day. From the famous deer in Nara park, to rela...