dear friends 在 《 Have Yourself A Merry Little Christmas 》 Cover By Tina Hu 的影片資訊
《 Have Yourself A Merry Little Christmas 》 Cover By Tina Hu 聖誕節翻唱送給你們,聖誕節快樂喔 😘 ___________________...
《 Have Yourself A Merry Little Christmas 》 Cover By Tina Hu 聖誕節翻唱送給你們,聖誕節快樂喔 😘 ___________________...
Dear Beautiful Friends, Here is another journaling process video, hope you all enjoy watching! Do...
籌備了整整一年的時間,我的新專輯《亞洲通才》終於推出了! 裡面有我和團隊們一整年的心血,是一張極具娛樂性,高質感卻又有一點點歪歪地音樂專輯,裡面有我對各個年代和人物的致敬,聽了包你濕透(眼睛)。感慨的...
==== 全米1位獲得の世界的アカペラグループ「ペンタトニックス」と夢のコラボが実現! 作詞・作曲に亀田誠治氏を迎え制作され、閉塞感のある現在の情勢にもそっと寄り添えるような「友のことを想う気持ち」が...
Dear friends, be blessed by this special screening of the sermon, Give Me This Mountain. The idea f...
Thanks to my dear friend Isla for sharing such a beautiful analogy that I will never forget. New bea...
「它激發了我一些回憶,人在每個階段朋友間的相處關係會不一樣,這首歌我就感受到了友情的能量。」-黃玠 淺堤 Shallow Levée 《不完整的村莊》專輯導聆分享系列,第一集邀請到玠哥來分享〈永和〉...
Dear friends, during this time of the global pandemic, it is vital for us to memorize and meditate o...
Must Watch New Funny Video 2020_Top New Comedy Video 2020_Try To Not Laugh_Episode-116_By LOWI TV In...
You are watching now, Slashing failed guy's melon Ep 115 If We have any mistake, please comment and...