city of dreams macau 在 HOUSE OF DANCING WATER DIVING EXPERIENCE// 去水舞間潛水之後返澳大present?+ 微辣2020 萬聖節PARTY VLOG 的影片資訊
thank you for being patient with me, I couldn't get myself around to editing this for soo long, so s...
thank you for being patient with me, I couldn't get myself around to editing this for soo long, so s...
Cutting of Lychee wood roast Peking goose in Jade Dragon, 3 star Michelin restaurant in Macau inside...
We explored the world's largest hotel resorts in Macau, Cotai Strip to see how big an impact quarant...
歡迎訂閱按讚分享小象愛出門 FB 小象愛出門 ==============...
#新濠天地 #澳門攻略 #摩珀斯酒店 #TheArsenale #奢迷空間 #vivov15pro #vivo手機 本影片/圖片使用vivov15pro廣角+標準鏡頭拍攝 https://www....
今次同大家分享一下最近澳門的免費行程,這3個都是位於氹仔,而且距離非常近的酒店,分別係新濠天地既室內旋轉滑梯、永利皇宮《人間樂園》動態藝術展覽、同埋美獅美高梅《蛻變:無窮盡》巨型立體山水畫! ?Bl...
IG:Suki_tong_tong Facebook :
Ian and Monie were so much fun to vlog with! here's what's left of the Macau trip... in the meantim...
大家話好鍾意我細佬兩公婆麻, 呢個vlog雖然短d,但係都好開心❤️ 我同sarah 剛喺毛里求斯回來, 未剪嗰d片但超期望睇番個好正既旅行! 澳門玩咗兩日其實唔夠... 無辦法,時間吾許可,下次再...