at my free time中文 在 Mushroom Swiss Burger for TWO DOLLARS?! 的影片資訊
Hi guys, I thought it would be cool to shoot a video of on my favorite all time burgers at Family Ma...
Hi guys, I thought it would be cool to shoot a video of on my favorite all time burgers at Family Ma...
Today me and friend Jillian (@JJsays - 雪莲说) went out to get boba tea (bubble tea) in Chinatown and s...
The other day we went out to get a haircut in NYC’s Chinatown at one of its amazing barber shops. We...
❤預約報名上課❤ --------- 字幕 雙語 Hi my name is Janet Lee and her...
孩子取名,不跟著家譜就是大不孝 !? 在新加坡,幾乎每個父母都會為孩子取個洋名。有的家長覺得這樣比較容易叫孩子的名,有的認為這樣才跟得上時代。 但我們必經是華人,刻在墓碑上的,終究是華文名。華文...
又是久違的 iHerb 開箱影片! 距離上次買 iHerb 隔約兩個月了,這次又買了一些新有食材,簡單開箱和大家分享,然後...也可以期待更多食譜吧 (?) (▼ 點開看更多 Click to op...
哈囉大家,丁妹又回來啦! 前陣子呢,相信很多人知道,我到澳洲移地訓練了將近一年的時間。以游泳來說,澳洲的訓練習慣、訓練模式、游泳的環境跟我們有很多不同之處,而我真的很幸運地能夠親身體驗這一切。在上一...
Usually I have a whole book/sketchbook dedicated to a trip, but this time I decided to do my travel ...
你們猜對了嗎??!! 正確答案是: B.Justin Bieber- Mistletoe + C. 四葉草-冷冷der聖誕節 恭喜Janice Cheong 和 David Rowswell!!...