alexlam 在 ⟦Cecilia 蘇麗珊⟧ 到L.A.深造演技, 結果仲做埋烘焙師? 創立Saturday Morrrning日月之幸, 主打貝果 Bagel! - Bloop3 ep. 42 的影片資訊
“Cecilia 蘇麗珊”到L.A.深造演技, 結果仲做埋烘焙師? 創立”Saturday Morrrning日月之幸”, 主打貝果 Bagel! - Bloop3 ep. 42 麵包對蘇麗珊嚟講,...
“Cecilia 蘇麗珊”到L.A.深造演技, 結果仲做埋烘焙師? 創立”Saturday Morrrning日月之幸”, 主打貝果 Bagel! - Bloop3 ep. 42 麵包對蘇麗珊嚟講,...
While we were filming Grace's new MV there was a scene were I was playing the guitar on the bed whil...
Lockdown sometimes is nice makes you play music at home ?. Year of ox hope everyone has good health!...
Olivia曾為W Hotel 做Music Curator, 現在為Vogue 寫音樂專欄, 精通古典音樂及爵士音樂, 近來醉心鑽研電子音樂, 並推出全新EP MIHN002, 靈感來自復古電子遊戲...
⟦王君馨Grace Wong⟧ 演出每一個角色, 都會設計屬於佢嘅歌. 解讀音樂和演技之間既關係 - Bloop3 ep. 39 G.Racie繼熱情西班牙風”Casada”後, 推出了新歌”尖叫”...
congratulations HANZ! you are the winner of the backpack quiz! you win a free Able MAX backpack! Ple...
Taking Marcus to get a skateboard! Bringing back some old hobbies to life! Damn I’m rusty but it’s f...
⟦Sunny Lukas⟧ 行人電梯跳舞紅遍全球, TikTok背後的音樂人 - Bloop3 ep. 38 聽到Shakira 唱 ”Oh, baby, when you talk like th...
好多歌手開演唱會時, 都會有一個屬於自己嘅個Ear Monitor, 究竟係點樣做出嚟嘅呢? Widex 係一間專業研配助聽器嘅公司, 如果你身邊有人成日都聽唔到你講嘢, 你就要帶佢去睇吓啦! 睇嘢唔...
在紐約修讀戲劇後回港參選香港先生, 再以一首二次創作PPAP之Pork Lego Guy人氣急升, 開創一種別樹一格的幽默, 佢又點係認真演戲同鬼馬搞笑之間取得平衡? 片尾仲會有驚喜! Vide...