那些電影教我的事 在 【奧斯卡最佳視覺效果、最佳攝影】銀翼殺手2049 - 等35年也值得 的影片資訊
即便只是幻影,寂寞的人還是會想要伸手握緊。 To someone who's lonely, even a dream is worth holding on to. 銀翼殺手2049 (Blad...
即便只是幻影,寂寞的人還是會想要伸手握緊。 To someone who's lonely, even a dream is worth holding on to. 銀翼殺手2049 (Blad...
生命中有很多傷痛是無法一個人承擔的;所以我們才有家人,所以我們才有朋友。 A lot of pain in life can't be borne alone; that's why we ha...
一個負責的人,所做的決定從來都不是為了自己。 Responsible people never make a decision solely for themselves. 金牌特務:機密對決 (...
有些人就在身邊,但很遙遠;有些人活在記憶裡,卻刻骨銘心。 Some people are close to us, but they feel afar; some people only ...
真正愛你的,是當你不可愛的時候,仍然愛著你的人。 Those who truly love you will always do so even when you aren't so lovable...
「有時候,你找了一輩子的東西,其實就在你身邊。」 "Sometimes the thing you're searching for your whole life is right there...
很多時候,生存就是在利用和被利用之間試著找到平衡。 Perhaps survival is just about trying to find a balance between using oth...
勇氣能讓你改變,信念能讓你堅持;胸懷能讓你放手,智慧能讓你釋懷。 Change requires courage, persistence requires faith; with heart yo...
軟弱過才會堅強,害怕過才有勇氣,迷惑過才能明白。 I'm strong, because I was weak; I'm brave, because I was afraid; I underst...
活著不是只為了自己,因此更要努力活下去。 Do all you can to survive, because life is never something you live only for y...