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拉赫曼尼諾夫的錄音在RCA Victor出版轉錄的大全集CD專輯,我應該在十幾歲到德國求學沒多久後就買了那一套,但這週有機會在古殿樂藏聆聽殿主蒐藏拉氏演奏拉三當時1940年最原始的錄音媒介-首刻蟲膠唱片所播放出來後,才真正能充分以身心感受到拉赫曼尼諾夫大氣樂句呈現手法,以及鋼琴家與指揮奧曼第、費城交響樂團合作的音樂想法堆積出整體不可思議的空間奧義概念,這個即使是RCA之後轉錄再版發行的黑膠,或是至今許多公司轉錄再次發行的CD,都無法重現的精神! #週末將分享1929年錄製的拉二協奏曲 #整整五片共十面的蟲膠唱片才能耗費精力錄完一首拉三 #透過接收到的聲響再回朔至當年錄音工程場景

拉赫曼尼諾夫的錄音在RCA Victor出版轉錄的大全集CD專輯,我應該在十幾歲到德國求學沒多久後就...

🎵珍稀歷史錄音:黃金年代的波蘭鋼琴大師莫里茲‧羅森塔爾 (Moriz Rosenthal 1862-1946)演奏蕭邦的b小調馬厝卡舞曲,作品33之4 傳奇的李斯特學生、更曾是蕭邦著名學生米庫里(Karol Mikuli)的學生 - 黃金年代的波蘭鋼琴大師莫里茲‧羅森塔爾 (Moriz Rosenthal),與他同時代有密切交集的音樂家有例如布拉姆斯、約翰·史特勞斯、安東·魯賓斯坦、漢斯·馮·布羅、聖桑、馬斯奈和阿爾班尼士。 他一生跟在各個名鋼琴教育家下學習,1878年,在李斯特逝世前9年,他一直在李斯特指導下深造。他也是李斯特最得意的弟子。李斯特逝世後,他息影舞台並去維也納攻讀哲學。在六年後重返舞台,技藝有長足進步使人耳目一新,成為國際聞名「高貴氣質」的偉大鋼琴家之一。 羅森塔爾之所以出名,是因為他的技藝出彩輝煌,他對於音樂的平衡和分句非常敏感,他善於利用豐富的音色變化來保持住長的句子,即使在高音區,他也能以神奇的指觸發出優美豐滿的聲音。他創作了一些技巧非常難的鋼琴小品與改編曲,並與席勒合寫了《高級鋼琴彈奏法》。他的弟子包括了已故的鋼琴家波雷、羅森等。 Moriz Rosenthal (17 December 1862 – 3 September 1946) was a Polish pianist and composer. He was an outstanding pupil of Franz Liszt and a friend and colleague of some of the greatest musicians of his age, including Johannes Brahms, Johann Strauss, Anton Rubinstein, Hans von Bülow, Camille Saint-Saëns, Jules Massenet and Isaac Albéniz. Rosenthal was born in Lemberg, Austria-Hungary (later Lwów, Poland, now Lviv, Ukraine) into a Jewish family, where his father was professor at the chief academy. At eight years of age he commenced his piano studies under Galoth (1869–1872). In 1872, Rosenthal became a pupil of Karol Mikuli, Chopin's pupil and editor, who trained him along more academic lines at Lviv Conservatory. At the age of twelve he became a pupil of Rafael Joseffy in Vienna. His debut occurred in Vienna in 1876. He had immediate success and after a tour of Romania he was made Court Pianist of Romania when he was fourteen years of age. From 1878 to 1879 he studied with Liszt at Weimar and Rome. He was associated with the great Hungarian master until 1886, when Liszt died at Bayreuth. Having the conviction that a well-rounded classical education was necessary in his work as an interpreter, he studied at the Staats Gymnasium in Vienna and at the University, where he was a pupil in philosophy under Von Zimmerman and Brentano and in esthetics under Hanslick. His virtuosity guided by a probing intellect was nonpareil. In 1912 he was made Kammervirtuoso for the Emperor of Austria. As Liszt's pupil, Rosenthal made appearances in St. Petersburg, Paris, and elsewhere. His general education, however, was not neglected, and in 1880 Rosenthal qualified to take the philosophical course at the University of Vienna. Six years later he resumed his career with the piano, achieving brilliant success in Leipzig, and in Boston, where he made his U.S. debut in 1888, and subsequently in England in 1895. He taught at the Curtis Institute of Music from 1926-1928. From 1939, he taught in his own piano school in New York City, where he died in 1946. His pupils included Charles Rosen, Robert Goldsand, and Jorge Bolet. An anthology of Rosenthal's autobiographical writings was published as Moriz Rosenthal: In Word and Music (ed. Mark Mitchell, Allan Evans. Indiana University Press, 2006), which also contains a CD of representative and unpublished recordings. 工商時間:台灣絃樂團成立三十週年講座 - 留聲機黃金時代(1900-1940)小提琴名家演奏錄音 2020年適逢台灣絃樂團成立三十週年,古殿樂藏的殿主將前往舉辦一場講座作為慶祝。 https://youtu.be/RzYliE3x_Y0 當天將會播放以下這些歷史小提琴名家的原音蟲膠唱片: Joseph Joachim(1831-1907), Bronislaw Huberman(1882-1947), Fritz Kreisler(1875-1962), Eugen Ysaye(1885-1931), George Enesco(1881-1955), Carl Flesch(1873-1944), Joseph Szigeti(1892-1973), Ginette Neveu(1919-1949), Micha Elman(1891-1967), Jascha Heifetz(1901-1987), Cioconda De Vito(1907-1994), David Oistrakh(1908-1974), Adolf Busch(1891-1952), Jan Kubelik(1880-1940), Toscha Seidel(1899-1962) 8/29(六)14:30 主講人:王信凱(古殿樂藏殿主) 主持人:陳昭佺 票價:300/人 地點:台灣絃樂團(台北市中正區臨沂街75巷4-1號B1) 報名表單: https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSfcqd8seqydZIK78vxVTRLa_z3hMi0sAU5hvwni4ZH1rJwr0g/viewform?fbclid=IwAR1TRxEEsn9bc79x6UU9r6i7RsvsxnLEAv9UjcJo-YJFhRFfEpujTy9dPfA

🎵珍稀歷史錄音:黃金年代的波蘭鋼琴大師莫里茲‧羅森塔爾 (Moriz Rosenthal 1862-...