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關於shakira wakawaka的評價, 老天鵝娛樂

世界盃最好笑的歌曲改編!投注辛酸者必看! - 【老鵝金曲改編#3】我苦我苦 / 原曲:WakaWaka-夏奇拉 . 標籤出你身邊下誰倒誰的賭海冥燈 南韓都能贏德國,我也能去跳樓了。 -- 特別感謝 ...

Dancing our way into the weekend! It's been a while since we had our family dance session and I kind of forgot how fun and happy it can be. Instead of just watching them, it's so much better to join them and I knew how delighted they were to see Mama on the dance floor with them too. We grooved to some of our favourite beats and learnt some new tunes too, this was the first time we danced to Waka Waka together and I was totally not prepared for what came. Apparently, four of us had to do a formation that looks like a cyclist riding on a bicycle, which means one of us had to sit on another. Haha, obviously I had to be at the bottom and I guess we gave it our best shot. Wait till the end to see! Reminding myself to remember to be a fun parent, to be able to let loose, to like what the kids like, to dance like no one's watching, to enjoy these simple, carefree moments with my loved ones. Have an awesome weekend, everyone! ❤ #ahappymum #ahappymumdances #大家一起high起来 #welovetodance #wakawaka #justdance #dancelikenooneiswatching #iwannabeafunmum #stayyoungatheart #simplejoy #cherishingthesemoments #mumandkids #oneofthebestmemories

Dancing our way into the weekend! It's been a whi...