關於proofreading的評價, 許藍方博士 Dr. Gracie
#drgracieofficial A person who truly loves you never lets you go, no matter how hard the situation...
#drgracieofficial A person who truly loves you never lets you go, no matter how hard the situation...
🐟 海中生物|微塑料污染 🐟 今天想跟大家分享很重要也很沈重的三個影片。影片來自於我就職的組織「能救命的營養學」NutritionFacts.org,探討了海洋生物體內的微塑料污染,以及透過吃...
สองนางกำลังปรู๊ฟสี หนังสือเล่มใหม่ของตัวเองอยู่ ...
Yes... 1 hour left till sunrise and I JUST finishe...
Fit Kab Dao กำลังมองหา Content Manager❗️📌😍 โอกาสส...
Do you know what you are for? 你要追求的是什麼? 破壞很容易,創造很...
Proofreading,發現自己有個要寫 "comprehensive" 嘅地方寫左 "compl...
Day -17 Paper 1 (Reading) 提示: 原則:先練弱項,再全卷操練 ...
2013 DSE Final Reminders (11/4) - Papers 1 & 2 ...
Final tips for Paper 2 Writing Please read thro...