關於pottermore的評價, ชะนีพีชชี่ & สตีเฟ่นโอปป้า
Courage does not always roar. Sometimes courage is the quiet voice at the end of the day saying, "I...
Courage does not always roar. Sometimes courage is the quiet voice at the end of the day saying, "I...
不小心就玩了一上午, 我是終身雷文克勞的學生((撒花 #哈利波特霍格華茲之迷 #Andro...
ทำแบบทดสอบของเว็บPottermore มา(แอพออฟฟิเชี่ยลแฮรี...
剛剛看朋友分享了這個Pottermore網站,有J.K羅琳寫的護法動物測驗~我測出來是白天鵝耶 ...
A generation with dream of one letter 💌 #rietya...
Caution!! *POTTERHEAD post* . Growing up as a p...
Caution!! *POTTERHEAD post* . Growing up as a p...
{⚡💼Fantastic Beasts} Love could make us do the un...
Redo my Pottermore OC. This time her name will be ...
「今天奕卉」哈利波特的粉絲看過來!這是 J.K. Rowling 最新短文 - The Potter...