關於poop便便的評價, Janet Hsieh 謝怡芬
I know you all think you have the best husbands ever, but I'm here to tell you that you’re wrong. *I...
I know you all think you have the best husbands ever, but I'm here to tell you that you’re wrong. *I...
從便便外型看大腸癌前兆!!🚽🚽 👇👇完整影片 :poop: :poop: http://www...
「林醫師,你幫Janet接生呀?」 「Nonono.!..是George接生的! 從頭到尾都...
天那,超好吃的酵素軟糖,ㄧ吃下去, 8小時後有感,馬上到廁所排空,肚子也不絞痛,宿便ㄧ空,肚子就...
BLOCKS. #wombat #rabbit #bunny #bricks #poop #cra...
BLOCKS. #wombat #rabbit #bunny #bricks #poop #c...
#溫故知新 想必科夥伴們早就知道袋熊的便便是方的了(科夥伴表示:好ㄌ,別再炒冷飯了 U_U) 哼...
俗話說得好,只要長得可愛,連便便都會是 #粉紅色 的(!? #阿德利企鵝 就是活生生的好例子,牠...
#promo 遠在古埃及時代,人們將糞金龜與太陽神連結起來,不僅象徵了重生,更常被作為護身符隨身配戴...