

never have i ever season 2的相關標籤

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3 years ago I sprained my left wrist and left ankle going on this exact rail 2 years ago I broke my left wrist Last year I stayed the fuck away from the rails 😂 This year I went back to the same rail and said “fuck it! It’s now or never!” At first I was full of confidence Then as things didn’t progress, I’ll and the falls just kept getting more painful, fear kicked in. Now confidence all gone, the rail looked like a very scary monster, and my body was half damaged, all I could feel was, FEAR. Fear to break a bone again, fear to not able to snowboard the rest of this season, fear to never able to complete this backside boardslide trick ever again, fear that this will be the last attempt ever of my life. At the end, it was all in the mind. You have to face fear head on, or u will never win. I want to get to my next level, I know I can do it, it’s just right around the corner. But someone is standing there blocking me. Just get pass him and I know I’ll be home free. This someone is name Fear and he’s not my friend! To conquer fear, u just need courage, and time. You do something enough times, fear will not bother u anymore. To do it enough times u need enough courage to kickstart every time. It’s rather simple, when ur mind starts to get bored, fear gets bored too. So I’m happy to say I’ve conquered fear this time, next time it will be a cockroach! “Fuck it! It’s now or never!” 3年前喺呢條鐵通上面我拗柴,左手左腳。 2兩年前我左手斷骨。 上年我怕咗佢。 今年決定 it’s now or never! 唔識驚係最危險, 識驚啦,之後又好難唔驚。 越痛就越驚,越驚就越做唔到。 本來充滿信心同鬥志嘅我,全部被恐懼磨滅晒。 最終都係一場同恐懼戰鬥嘅過程。 唯一嘅方法,就係要 head on 面對佢。 要贏恐懼,就需要時間同勇氣。 當你重複做同一樣嘢夠多次的時候,你就唔會驚。 當你開始覺得悶,恐懼都會覺得悶而離開你。 但係要做夠多次,每次都需要勇氣。 夠姜,夠時間,就搞掂 #最緊要型 #tobecontinued #behindthescene #IamRipboy #number1

3 years ago I sprained my left wrist and left ankl...