關於la vie en rose lyrics的評價, Christine Lo 羅晴
We have flowers, candles, and music! Please share the power of peace and love to every corner of the...
We have flowers, candles, and music! Please share the power of peace and love to every corner of the...
La Vie En Rose 🌹 Seeing life as it is #music #lyr...
在巴黎恐攻事件,外甥女【羅晴】的獻唱,她說: 恐攻事件炸毀的不止是巴黎的磚瓦 還有世界各地人們...
Good morning ☀️ Monday ☕️ 星期一提振一下精神🎷La vie en rose...
La Vie En Rose《玫瑰人生》 女人愛玫瑰,不僅愛玫瑰代表的愛情花語.....同時,也希望...