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📺NEW YOUTUBE EPISODE: 情人節快樂之一千元挑戰 ❤️ nt$1000 CHINESE VALENTINE’S DAY CHALLENGE 🔗 https://youtu.be/QBQzzcJt6io . 今年8月25號就是七夕節!🌹 不知道你們會不會過這個日子,但是這是一個新的機會給另外一半看她對你多重要。 我之前在我的IG收到了留言寫“有錢才有浪漫”,我老實講不太了解這個想法,但沒關係大家可以有自己的想法。 這一次我給自己一個挑戰。花不到 nt$1000為了準備一個浪漫的晚餐! 花,裝飾,晚餐,驚喜。。。 我邀請你們跟著我的浪漫行程!❤️ 請大家來支持我的頻道, 別忘記按讚,訂閱 與 分享! 謝謝你們 This year August 25th is Chinese Valentine’s day. If you didn’t know, it’s a new occasion to show your loving one all your affection you have for her/him. I receive sometimes some comment on my social medias saying that you need to be wealthy to be romantic. This is something I don’t really understand but I don’t want to put any judgements. Everyone can think differently. However this time I gave myself a challenge. Preparing a romantic dinner for less than nt$ 1000 ($34). Flowers, decoration, dinner, surprise…. Come join me on this romantic journey! ❤️ Hope you guys enjoy the video, please don't forget to give a LIKE or COMMENT to help with the algorithm and SUBSCRIBE to support me ! . 今年8月25號就是七夕節!🌹 不知道你們會不會過這個日子,但是這是一個新的機會給另外一半看她對你多重要。 我之前在我的IG收到了留言寫“有錢才有浪漫”,我老實講不太了解這個想法,但沒關係大家可以有自己的想法。 這一次我給自己一個挑戰。花不到 nt$1000為了準備一個浪漫的晚餐! 花,裝飾,晚餐,驚喜。。。 我邀請你們跟著我的浪漫行程!❤️ 請大家來支持我的頻道, 別忘記按讚,訂閱 與 分享! 謝謝你們 This year August 25th is Chinese Valentine’s day. If you didn’t know, it’s a new occasion to show your loving one all your affection you have for her/him. I receive sometimes some comment on my social medias saying that you need to be wealthy to be romantic. This is something I don’t really understand but I don’t want to put any judgements. Everyone can think differently. However this time I gave myself a challenge. Preparing a romantic dinner for less than nt$ 1000 ($34). Flowers, decoration, dinner, surprise…. Come join me on this romantic journey! ❤️ Hope you guys enjoy the video, please don't forget to give a LIKE or COMMENT to help with the algorithm and SUBSCRIBE to support me ! . #fabiograngeon #fabio #法比歐 #youtube

📺NEW YOUTUBE EPISODE: 情人節快樂之一千元挑戰 ❤️ nt$1000 CHIN...