步驟2:在帳戶中新增金鑰. You can add a security key to your account using a computer or an Android device (7.0 or higher). Make sure you are using the .. ... <看更多>
步驟2:在帳戶中新增金鑰. You can add a security key to your account using a computer or an Android device (7.0 or higher). Make sure you are using the .. ... <看更多>
步驟2:在帳戶中新增金鑰. You can add a security key to your account using a computer or an Android device (7.0 or higher). Make sure you are using the .. ... <看更多>
大家好,現在帳號不開啟兩階段登入根本不敢用, 所以之前用Authy,換手機或手機重設, 都一樣能還原所有帳號的金鑰。 後來Google authenticator 更新 ... ... <看更多>
... 版本0.6.6 新增了2FA 的驗證,2FA 就是我們所謂的谷歌驗證器 Google Authenticator ,簡單來說就是可以讓你再登入帳號的時候額外多了一層安全保障! ... <看更多>