關於democracy now的評價, Paing Takhon
We , Myanmar citizens need the world to know what's happening in Myanmar right now before our wif...
We , Myanmar citizens need the world to know what's happening in Myanmar right now before our wif...
In the past, we were very happy on Chinese New Year. This year, we are protesting for Democracy! "H...
這不只是一場外交使節酒會,也是台灣與世界溝通的重要機會。 在民進黨28周年黨慶酒會中,有35國代表出席,我發表了一場演講,主題是「Progress for Taiwan─ Connecting t...
民主行動黨是社會民主主義(social democracy)的政黨,我們和全球各國的工黨、社會黨及社會民主黨同屬「社會黨國際」(socialist international)的成員黨。 在政治...
We strongly condemn Military coup. We demand immediate release of state counseller Daw Aung San Suu...
日前接受美國《華盛頓郵報》(Washington Post)專訪,針對兩岸關係、臺美關係及南海爭議等議題回應提問。內容如下: 問:您對習近平的印象如何? 答:就像我在CSIS講過的,對於習近平主席...