關於compliance meaning的評價, 蕭叔叔英式英文學會 Uncle Siu's British English Club
【#迷上英式英文】英國首相Boris Johnson宣布全英禁足演說:"In this fight each and every one of us is enlisted" 演說全文: Good...
【#迷上英式英文】英國首相Boris Johnson宣布全英禁足演說:"In this fight each and every one of us is enlisted" 演說全文: Good...
[時事英文] 死亡率(mortality rate)*、壓平曲線(flattening the c...
Why Islamic Digital Economy? This afternoon, I ha...
我相信相信當年死於無情槍火與坦克下的學子 想見到的不是大家每年只有哭喪著臉的悼念而無理性深切的反...
1. tycoon (“billionaire” can be one of the synony...