關於amazon in australia的評價, Azizulhasni Awang
・・・ The fires in Australia are 5x bigger than the Amazon fires 😱 People have lost lives, homes have...
・・・ The fires in Australia are 5x bigger than the Amazon fires 😱 People have lost lives, homes have...
【身為地球一分子,你我必須知道的事】 繼亞馬遜雨林大火後,又一場生態浩劫在地球的另一端發生😢 從去年...
Hello everyone💪 Stay home, stay safe❗️ We hope you...
LiSA's new single "best day, best way" is released...
除了禱告,我們可以做更多! // 隨著氣候變化不斷惡化,澳洲的叢林大火將變得更加頻繁和劇烈。澳洲的夏...
#prayforaustralia 🙏🏻 The fires in Australia are 5...
Climate Change Emergency 每年我參加氣候會議時,只要時間可以,都會參加...
Người phụ nữ vĩ đại nhất đời tôi :) Cảm ơn mẹ đã ...
接受挑戰!! #召喚食肉獸 #PlantForward #素食一天 我接受 Green Mo...
Banh Mi Thit Nuong – Vietnamese Grilled Pork Sand...