關於turn over a new leaf的評價, Owen Yap ( 叶剑锋 )
“路走过一程,要记得坑在哪;亏吃过一次,要记得伤在哪;人处过一遭,要记得心真假;情给过一回,要记得别太傻!痛过,未必是祸,傻过,未必是错,这些都是一生中别样的收获!” 也许时间耽误,别把人生辜负...
“路走过一程,要记得坑在哪;亏吃过一次,要记得伤在哪;人处过一遭,要记得心真假;情给过一回,要记得别太傻!痛过,未必是祸,傻过,未必是错,这些都是一生中别样的收获!” 也许时间耽误,别把人生辜负...
Peace on earth. Shop the Paloma Picasso® Olive...
"Blessed is the man who trusts in the Lord, and w...
#นิรา ถ่าย #ใบไม้ที่ปลิดปลิว ยาวๆไปจ้าคืนนี้ 👰🏻🎥 ...
“Preoccupied with a single leaf you won't see the...
Paradise found. Presenting the new Paloma Picasso...
Ringleaders. Designs from the Tiffany 1837™, Palo...
Paradise found. Explore the Paloma Picasso® Oli...
Summer in paradise. Shop Paloma Picasso® Olive...
Paloma honors the olive branch, a symbol of peace...