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Finally our 5 layers Fashion Mask and 3 layers 3D mask test results from Eurofins are back! I felt like my graduation again by receiving such certificates. It is amazing.. our masks have better bacteria filtration than normal surgical masks!! The filtration performance goes like this- 98.2% for 5 layers Fashion Masks and 99.1% for Antiviral Masks .. and the usual surgical masks are around 95- 97% filtration rate. Wow I should be proud! Really please put on your mask when u leave your house or working in office or running around.. Protect others and your loved ones. Stay Safe and Be Well. #MelindaLooiMasks #MelCares #MasksTest #BacteriaFiltration #graduationDay #staySafe #MaskOn Find out more on our 3D Antiviral mask, not only it has good filtration performance but it is antiviral too! You can now add logo, or printing on them, minimum order 250 pcs with starting price of RM7.50 each without packaging. How great is this! Need to know more? whatsapp us at +60122940298 or email us at [email protected] Get your fashion masks now by clicking at BIO in our profile. #supportLocal

Finally our 5 layers Fashion Mask and 3 layers 3D ...