Okay Kalau berpeluk, pakai Baju kurung, tak nampak sexy Kan? So Takde lah nak komen kat sini tang bukan2. Oh lupa. Dah off comment. Only the one that I like and I follow them can comment here. 😈
Buat lah lagi nak tunjuk tahu semua, land ah tak boleh komen. Memang mereput lah makcik bawang sakit hati 😈 rasakan hahaha 😈😈😈😈😈
Oh a bit negative. Kekadang kena lepas Kan. Diaorang ingat kita ni puppet main diam je ap diaorang kata.
Sebenarnya Tak kisah. Tapi saja nak Bakar. Sebab diaorang dah tak boleh komen hahahahaha 😈😈😈😈 burnnnnn 🤪🤣🤣🤣
Selamat hari raya. Maaf Zahir batin! It’s been so nice to be invited by #Herbalifemalaysia for hari raya get together with all #presidentteam of #herbalifenutrition How nice it is.
Recharge positivity!
Here in #herbalife where people don’t judge you and accept you for who you are. I love what I’m doing. That’s why I’m asking everyday to all of you who want to be garlic instead of onion! 🤪🤣😅
Daripada membawang tak buat duit, lebih baik Jadi garlic lebih suci bantu semua sihat tubuh badan dan minda. So tidak lah dok stalk orang and membawang Kan. Tak dapat duit hahahaha 🤣🤣🤣
Tapi bagus lah jugak, bantu sedekah Kan pahala. Syurga lah agaknya tempat kami ni ye. Mudah mudahan. Terima kasih kerana bersedekah 🙏🏼😅
May you will be shine with more good vibes and happiness - from your own happiness not from membawang 😜😅🤪🤣
#iwillnotbequietanymore #yestowellnessteam #yestowellness #yestwellnesscouple #yestowellnessfamily #yestowellnessmalaysia #yestowellnesssingapore
So good to be good and do good to all. 💖 thanks to all #yestowellnessteam #yestowellnessfamily you can too receive an invite like this. @ Kuala Lumpur