In celebration of Women’s Month, the theme for 2021 is #ChooseToChallenge, where we are given the choice to empower, support and encourage both men and women to challenge gender discrimination to achieve equality. Gender equality is after all a mission for both men and women. Women in Malaysia are starting to change equality for themselves and their futures. Many countries around the world have also started to place heavy importance on gender equality, and Malaysia is one of them. Societies are finally realising the importance of taking a stand to demand equality for Malaysian women.
Malaysia is a country that has accomplished outstanding economic success, becoming the 6th largest economy in Southeast Asia and 39th largest in the world. However, the country’s women leaders are still considered underrepresented because only a small number of women take leadership positions in almost every corner of the board. Gender inequality poses significant challenges to women in Malaysia because it takes away opportunities from deserving talented women. Given that Malaysia has vast natural resources and human capital have been the driving engine of its economic development, gender inequality is still a serious hurdle Malaysia needs to overcome in order for a positive growth for the nation in the economic and political/leadership spheres. To address this gender discrimination in employment, members of society need to break away from gender biases. The perception that men are naturally fit for public places and women for private areas makes women seem only suitable to “assist” men in the work place. This practice has to be put to stop.
First and foremost, the idea of women representation has to be understood and acknowledged by everyone. It is very important to address this pressing problem because women make up 48.6% of the entire population and we need more of them to become leaders to ensure that the voices of Malaysian women are heard. Who would understand us better if it is not from our own kind?
For example, with only 33 female representation from both the government and opposition (out of 222 seats) in the Malaysia’s House of Parliament, the inclusion and participation of more women representative is actually very important for us to come up with excellent policies and laws that will tackle gender discrimination, crimes against women and the implementation of women-friendly policies to safeguard women’s issue and rights.
What can female leaders do to empower and inspire future female leaders? Actively engage potential leaders by identifying and investing in women with skills and capacity to lead and give them the confidence to do so. It is crucial in any sort of leadership practice to build confidence at home, in the educational institution and even at their workplace. By creating this “safe space”, we will be able to see more young women coming to the front without hesitation and with full confidence. When the younger generation of ladies/women sees the boldness of a leading women, it will give them the sense of hope and inspiration to embrace their potential and be committed to move forward as a leader. Female leaders should utilize these qualities such as perseverance, empathy and passion.
Rome was not built in a day. Likewise, the hope of hitting and having 30% of women parliamentarians is not going to be immediate. Providing platforms and opportunities are important but it is more important to create awareness and exposure as to why we should embrace and welcome female leadership into the picture. It is not only the young girls and women that should be educated but this has to reach their family members, acquaintances and their community in order for them to help these potential future leaders to nurture and grow to be a productive, compassionate and empathetic leaders in future. A new season is approaching and one can look with optimism on the impact it will have on women’s empowerment and leadership in Malaysia. Be brave, be bold and shatter that glass ceiling because our time is now or never.
Ketua Wanita Muda Negara
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Continue ReadingKuwait case study. Oil rich country but money is running out / by investman
Kuwait, one country in the Middle East region.
Rich from occupying oil resources for a long time.
But you know, Kuwait is in big trouble today.
Well, the country's reserve funds are running out.
What happened to Kuwait? Invest man will tell you about it.
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Kuwait is an Asian country in the Middle East region.
Which is an abundance of oil resources.
In 2019, Kuwait had a GDP value of 4.3 trillion baht and a population of 4.4 million people.
Make GDP per capita of Kuwait population equal to 977,000 baht.
4 times more than GDP per head of Thai people.
Kuwait has an area of 17,818 square kilometers, which is about 30 times smaller than Thailand.
Despite being the world's 152th small country.
But Kuwait is the world's 6th most crude resource country.
And one of the country members who expired oil (OPEC)
Kuwait has a crude oil reserves up to 101,500 million barrels. This amount is estimated to be 6 % of the world's crude oil reserves.
If crude oil prices are around $ 40 per barrel, Kuwait's crude oil reserves will be worth 128 million baht.
When things are like this, it means
Oil resources are highly important to Kuwait economy.
Year 2019 Kuwait's crude export revenue is worth 1.5 trillion baht.
In which such value is considered.
90 % of Kuwait's total export income
90 % of Kuwait government income
And 35 % of GDP, Kuwait
In 2016
Anas Al-Saleh, Kuwait's finance minister in those days, warns the government to lower the country's expenditure budget to be prepared for a moment when petrol prices will fall in the future.
But his warning is right. Many people laugh at me.
Because most people believe that the country will continue to earn massive oil exports income.
After that, come on
During the 2016-2018 s, crude oil prices continue to adapt.
It's something that makes many people confident that Anas Al-Saleh warnings won't happen.
But then the emergence of the trade war between US and China in 2019 begins to pressure the global oil demand to slow down.
And the incident started worse than that
When the world later, the COVID-19 outbreak begins.
Plague plague making global travel and production drops.
The global oil demand is reduced from the same.
Besides, there's a fuel war between Saudi Arabia and Russia that both of them won't reduce their production capacity. The oil prices are increasingly adapting.
2018 Dubai crude oil prices average $ 70 per barrel
2019 Dubai crude oil prices average $ 64 per barrel
While the first 6 months of 2020, the average Dubai crude price is only $ 41 per barrel.
What happens is income from crude oil exports
90 % of Kuwaiti government income is greatly reduced.
Make the government not enough money to pay for public sector employers.
At present, more than 80 % of Kuwait people, or around 3.5 million people work as government employees.
Make government spend money in country's reserve funds during the 3 months after COVID-19 outbreak. The fund has gone down to over 411,000 million baht.
Which if crude oil prices don't rise from the same.
It will only make Kuwait government pay for public sector employees until November this year.
Enough is like this next year, Kuwait government needs to make a budget deficit.
Which will cause budget deficit to the level of 1.4 trillion baht
Thinking about a deficit, increasing almost 3 times more than the 2019-2020 fiscal year.
And the budget deficit is the 7th year in a row since 2014
What's worrisome is if the government needs to borrow money.
Among lower oil prices, Kuwait may earn enough oil export income to pay back the loan.
Make it now Kuwait has to have a concept of country reform.
Under Vision 2035 slogan: New Kuwait
The point is that it's important to try to reduce oil industry revenue reliance on revenue.
Which is to follow how much Kuwait's long-term plan this time will accomplish.
From this story preview of Kuwait country
It's something to remind us whether it's a country, corporation or individual.
Being too dependent on income in any way is a high risk.
Like this case, Kuwait relies on income from crude oil exports up to 90 % of export income.
If one day the main income drops or disappears.
From a long time ago, I might lose money easily too..
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- Form 56-1 Year 2562, Thai Oil Public Company Limited
world population day resources 在 Joyce看世界就是不一樣 - Joyce Yang Facebook 的最佳貼文
【The Only Constant in Life is Change 改變是唯一不變,對疫情當下和議情過後可能對於線上市場行銷的變化觀察,並分享對哈佛商學院相關文章讀後感】
COVID-19 in 2020 is a global pandemic which changed the way we work and live. Consumer preferences, consumer behaviors, new products and services, size of the market, and the use of technology and regulations are all changing under COVID-19. And marketing professionals around the world need to adapt quickly with the evolving global business environment.
At my current workplace, our original marketing plan which was approved late last year was completely abolished after COVID-19. We are not alone. Businesses around the world are experiencing the same thing. Jill Avery and Richard Edelman wrote on the Harvard Business School website that “Recognizing that their existing brand creative might strike the wrong tone with people fearful for their own and their community’s health, and anxious about their personal and the world’s rapidly deteriorating economic situation, the Walmart marketing team pivoted quickly to produce and air new advertising creative that tapped into the rapidly changing zeitgeist. The result, the Retail Heroes campaign, featured CEO McMillon Zooming in remotely from home to thank the one million Walmart front line employees for their dedication to their work, he calls them heroes, not just to the company, but also to people around the globe.”
Very few governments around the world had make in-depth efforts to prepare for pandemics at the COVID-19 level. The US, so called ‘leader of the free world’ is not handling the COVID-19 situation well. In fact, COVID-19 is out of control in the US. Currently, there are over 5.88 million confirmed cases and 181K death. This has a strong impact on the confidence of the general public and dramatically changing consumer behaviours.
Some less known places, such as Taiwan has been doing a great job fighting COVID-19. Taiwan suffered from SARS back in 2003 and it had forced the island to create better defense system and immediate response mechanism towards outbreak of viruses.
Taiwan has over 23 million people (similar to Australia. The population in Australia is about 24 million.) and it’s a very densely populated place. Geographically, it’s very close to mainland China and because of this, a lot of people, including top health professionals predicted that Taiwan would soon fall to COVID-19 and it would be very difficult to control it. But so far, the COVID-19 confirmed cases are 487 and 7 death in Taiwan. Comparing to most European countries, America and Australia, COVID-19 is under control in Taiwan. Business are open as usual in Taiwan and consumer confidence remains. But its travel industry still took a fatal hit. And it might take years to recover.
Across the globe, many countries are facing one of the biggest public health crises in recent history. And the economic impact is too large to even start to comprehend. As a key feature during COVID19 is how consumers are struggling to make ends meet. Millions of people are out of jobs or close to lose their jobs. This changed the general public’s confidence in governments and altered consumer purchasing habits. Therefore, digital marketing strategies for businesses are evolving with the current situation.
More conservative approach is more suited to the current turbulent environment. Definitely seeing a massive decrease in confidence for businesses to try new marketing plan of actions. Due to the infectious nature of this pandemic, businesses have shifted their marketing efforts online. Although it is hard to see it, but the upside of turbulent markets is that opportunities and new resources are being created continuously, and that agile organisations should be actively seeking global turbulent markets and opportunities. For example, the online telecommunications providers are experiencing enormous growth. Online industries, across retail, health and education are all thriving and developing during COVD19 phase. A familiar brand name under COVID-19 is ZOOM. Zoom says it has “more than 300 million daily users” and that “more than 300 million people around the world are using Zoom during this challenging time.”
“The only constant in life is change” – Heraclitus. The ability to adapt according to the changing environment is key to success to businesses. And this is the same for digital marketing strategies.
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