Learning Health Systems: International Collaboration Projects on Precision Medicine
- April 20 (Thursday), 2017
「國衛院論壇」於張榮發基金會國際會議中心舉辦「學習型醫療照護系統工作坊」(Learning Health Systems: International Collaboration Projects on Precision Medicine),會中邀請國外講者Dr. Henry “Mark” Dunnenberger (NorthShore University HealthSystem)、Dr. I-Cheng Ho (Harvard Medical School)和Dr. Nelson Tang (The Chinese University of Hong Kong)依據「精準醫療」的精神,介紹藥物基因體學,並根據患者的基因型來保證最大療效,並同時將不良反應降到最低,藉此探索合理的方法以優化藥物治療之方案。此次工作坊共有111人參加,獲致相當踴躍的出席與討論。本貼文以整理會議當天講者精采的演講內容(現場影音)為重點。
(Windows用戶建議您可使用Windows Media Player來觀看講者精采的演講內容):
【Opening Remarks】
-Dr. Chen-Wen Wu
-線上影音檔: mms://vod.nhri.org.tw/2017042001
【Let's Build the Asia Pacific Learning Health System Consortium (CAPLHS)】
-Prof. Yu-Chuan (Jack) Li / Taipei Medical University
【Clinical Implementation of Pharmacogenomics: Progress, Needs and Opportunities】
-Prof. Henry "Mark" / Dunnenberger NorthShore University Health System
【Knowledge Grid: Infrastructure for Knowledge Activation in a Learning Health System】
-Prof. Allen Flynn / University of Michigan Medical School
【Standardization and Integration of Clinical Information and Genomic Data for Precision Medicine】
-Prof. Shih-Feng Tsai / National Health Research Institutes
【Dry and Wet Mining of the Genome in Large Cohorts: Opportunities and Challenges】
-Prof. Nelson Tang / The Chinese University of Hong Kong
【Reality, Challenges, and Opportunities of Precision Medicine: a Rheumatologist's Perspective】
Prof. I-Cheng Ho / Harvard Medical School
【Discussion / Closing Remarks】
1. 國衛院論壇-學習型醫療照護系統工作坊 議程、活動照片、影音記錄,詳網址: https://goo.gl/X4J229
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