#amazon 4.5顆星推薦的硬頁翻翻書
🧸全系列名稱是:Lift-the-flap First Questions and Answers
Usborne真的是哈潑書櫃佔最多比例的系列書!真的是盲選總是會被我看上眼的必買清單 👍🏻👍🏻👍🏻 出版社這種Q&A翻翻書系列的書超貼心的有分齡喔!前陣子認真挑了這系列才發現光同一主題的Q&A就按照書本大小分齡,最小本的問題比較簡單,讓小小孩了解大方向,再來中本、大本⋯ 問題越來越深,也讓小小孩了解的越細!
這次幫哈潑買的這系列是針對三歲以上學齡前幼兒推出的,能讓小小孩享受動手翻找答案的樂趣,也超級方便讓爸爸媽媽一邊引導問題一邊一起翻答案(爸爸媽媽還能用翻答案的過程製造效果,讓他們更有興趣 😂),真的非常適合當成幼兒的第一套科普書。
影片是小哈潑聽我講過一次,隔天誇張的每一個問題都記得的what’s moon 🌛雖然媽媽我誤解,以為飛到月球要八年 😂 任何不夠專業的言論先麻煩大家忽略一下哈哈哈哈,媽媽後來有矯正再說一次正確的 🥺
同系列分為各種主題介紹,小哈潑這年紀開始真的每天問這是什麼?為什麼?然後延伸一堆疑問。所以我買回這些書的時候她超級開心的!一直要看要看~~~ 因為每一頁都能滿足她的求知慾 🤗 等她再大一點點,就可以再買同樣Q&A翻翻書的更大一本去深入再了解 😍 #第三張照片是再高一階的問答翻翻書系列(書本尺寸大一號)
🎈what is poo 認識便便
🎈what are germs 認識病菌
🎈what's snow 認識下雪
🎈what's Sleep認識睡眠
🎈what are stars 認識星星
🎈what's moon 認識月亮(2019出版)
🎈Why Do We Need A Potty 為何需要馬桶(2019出版)
🎈Why Should I Brush My Teeth?(2020/03最新出版)
同時也有2部Youtube影片,追蹤數超過8萬的網紅Yuka Ohishi,也在其Youtube影片中提到,🎤 今回紹介したマイク Hollyland LARK150ワイヤレスマイク (レビュー用に提供していただきましたが、意見・感想は自分のものです。) ▸ Amazon: https://geni.us/zwbLy ▸ Yodobashi: https://www.yodobashi.com/produ...
why we sleep amazon 在 ลงทุนแมน Facebook 的最佳解答
กรณีศึกษา Casper ธุรกิจขายที่นอน ออนไลน์ /โดย ลงทุนแมน
“ไอเดียนี้แย่มาก ไม่มีใครซื้อที่นอนทางอินเทอร์เน็ตกันหรอก”
นี่คือคำพูดของกลุ่มนักลงทุน ที่ปฏิเสธให้เงินเจ้าของบริษัท Casper ไปเริ่มต้นธุรกิจขายที่นอนออนไลน์
ซึ่งอาจเพราะในอดีต คนยังคุ้นเคยกับการไปซื้อที่นอนตามหน้าร้านอยู่...
Continue ReadingCase study Casper. Online / Investing mattress business.
′′ This idea is terrible. No one will buy internet mattresses
This is the quote of a group of investors who refuse to get money for Casper company to start an online mattress business.
Maybe because in the past, people are still familiar with buying beds in front of the store.
But Casper finally can erase those beliefs
And make online mattresses widely popular
How do they use DISRUPT mattress market
Investing man will tell you about it.
Blockdit. Analytical article source.
Deep content penetrating
Podcast feature recently.
Casper is an online retail business from USA
Founded in 2014 or just 6 years ago
The main products that the company has chosen to sell are ′′ bed ′′
Because it's something to use regularly because humans sleep average of 6-8 hours a day.
However, Casper in the early stages couldn't convince investors to care about their business.
Y ' all don't believe consumers buy site mattresses that often.
Because it's quite expensive and the product has been used for years.
This industry is also a large market worth around 1,200,000 million baht.
With a lot of retail players competing fiercely
Making the owner of the company to pay personal money. Try to produce the product first. Until it's in debt of 3 million baht.
Casper's mattresses are designed with good quality materials like Memory Foam, which fits the user's body, so it reduces pressure and makes us sleep better.
The sale price is between 11,000 to 35,000 baht, which is not expensive like various retail stores.
Including the company is open to return within 100 days and warranty for 10 years.
When businesses look into form, there is a group of Venture Capital investors coming to support funding.
Make Casper finally able to launch the platform
Originally, they predicted the first year of income at around 60 million baht.
But the result appears that just the first 2 months, sales have gone through the target.
If you ask me why Casper mattresses are selling well.
The answer would be a marketing strategy that attracts consumers in this era.
Casper's most highlights. Apart from quality and price.
It's packing small boxed mattress products to be shipped to customers.
When the box is removed, put it on the base of the bed, the mattress will gradually blister up as if it lives.
This unique creates a trend of posting video clips, unpacking boxes and placing Casper mattresses on social media platforms.
Especially when famous people post like Kylie Jenner's case talking about their Instagram and YouTube casper mattresses generated over 870,000 likes.
Therefore, companies are primarily focused on advertising on social media
By hiring actresses and influencer to make casper product containers
Later, when the brand is famous, there are more interested in investing.
Target major retail malls, A-Grade Investment. Ashton Kutcher's fund.
Or entertainment industry people like Tobey Maguire, Leonardo DiCaprio, Adam Levine etc.
The company therefore puts future vision to step into a virtual Nike of sleep.
By expanding the business to other sleep related items such as pillow, bed sheet, lamp.
Also invested to build over 200 storefronts
And expanding services to foreign countries such as Canada, Germany, England.
Performance of Casper Sleep Inc. Continuing to grow
Year 2017 Income 7,900 million baht. Loss of 2,300 million baht.
Year 2018 Income 11,200 million baht. Loss of 2,900 million baht.
Year 2019 Income 13,800 million baht. Loss of 2,950 million baht.
Casper used to be evaluated by business value at 34,500 million baht. It is a starter cuddle Unicorn decoration.
And on February 2020, the company got the IPO listed into the New York Stock Exchange.
But the latest stock value has gone down to around 11,300 million baht.
This may be the result of Casper's losses and marketing advertisement costs quite high.
Assemble Casper's success, it has resulted in competitors selling online mattresses for less than 175 companies.
Including big ones like Walmart and Amazon
Online mattress selling has become a new trend in the market which makes the largest US mattress firm retailer named Mattress Firm who has been in business for 33 years. Sales of 107,000 million baht. Bankruptcy announced in 2018
This is an interesting case study
Although the product doesn't seem to fit online sales.
But did you know that when we walk in the mall to buy a mattress, we listen to the sales staff speak differently than we see online reviews. Trying with a real mattress may not affect the decision that we initially thought.
If you can make a point of selling by letting people review the products.
So that there is a trend. Let's talk about it widely.
Maybe we can sell the kind that people don't think they can sell like Casper's bed..
Blockdit. Analytical article source.
Deep content penetrating
Podcast feature recently.
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why we sleep amazon 在 阿鴻投資 Facebook 的精選貼文
"缺眠影響身體取用葡萄糖的能力。前額葉皮層負責 execution function(統合思緒去完成目標、預測未來、感知行動後果),缺少葡萄糖導致疲憊會導致較難抑制衝動,讀書、學習這種抽象目標會被晾在一邊,讓給娛樂休閒。"
分享「教養大震撼」(NurtureShock: New Thinking About Children)這本由 Po Bronson 在 2011 年所寫的書。
作者並非兒童養育專家,一開始養育小孩的方式也是與大部分的父母一樣,憑著直覺養育。有陣子突然對於小孩的自信心的來源感到好奇,做了研究後得到了與原本猜測完全不一樣的答案,才發現原來以前多數人所想的養育和小孩的方式竟然絕大多數都是錯的。他將研究結果集結後寫成文章,最後登上了 2007 年的紐約雜誌封面,接獲大量談話性節目的邀約,並還獲得了各大小獎項。(這部分後來成為這本書的第一章)
自此,他又在兒童養遇相關的多個主題,同樣做了大量科學研究,包括最新的兒童發展心理學、腦科學、也請教了許多學術界的厲害人物,並將最後的成果集結起來,成為了這本在 amazon 4.6 顆星(超過500則評分)的養育書。
- 小孩很敏銳,當小孩表現明明不怎麼樣,老師卻又做了一個很空洞的讚美時,反而無意間會透露出「你已經把潛能發揮到極限」的訊息;反而老師批評小孩時可以傳達出「你還有進步空間」的訊息。
- 只要你有一次讚美被小孩解讀成沒有根據,那他們以後不止不相信你不誠懇的讚美,連你誠懇的那些讚美也都不相信了
- 過度讚美的家庭,爸媽可能以為是對小孩表示支持,但其實小孩感受到的是爸媽的高期待,反而給小孩很大的壓力
1. 有時給予讚美,有時沒有。總是給予讚美會導致努力只是為了得到讚美,沒有讚美就沒有動力。現代父母容易因為工時長,缺乏與小孩相處的時間,一旦有了與小孩相處的機會,就因為補償心態大誇特誇小孩
2. 讚美要具體
如果他能比平常專注更久的時間學習 ⇒ 讚美他很專注學習
如果解釋事情給他聽時,他有好好聽 ⇒ 讚美他專心
踢球有小心不讓球被搶走 ⇒ 讚美他有努力顧好自己的球
踢球時努力搶別人的球 ⇒ 讚美他努力去搶球
- 每天少睡一小時,直接損失兩年的認知能力發育。
- 平均少睡一小時的小六學生,做智力測驗的成績只有小四程度
- 睡眠不足對兒童智力的傷害與鉛中毒不相上下
- 高中學生的統計:成績為 A 的學生,平均比 B 每晚多睡 15 分鐘,B 又比 C 多睡 15 分鐘
- 缺眠影響身體取用葡萄糖的能力。前額葉皮層負責 execution function(統合思緒去完成目標、預測未來、感知行動後果),缺少葡萄糖導致疲憊會導致較難抑制衝動,讀書、學習這種抽象目標會被晾在一邊,讓給娛樂休閒。
- 缺眠的人會想不起愉快回憶,糟糕的事情卻很容易想起。原因:缺眠對於海馬迴的衝擊比杏仁核大。又帶有負面情緒的內容由杏仁核處理,正面或中性由海馬迴處理
- 成人連續兩星期只睡六小時,做智力測驗的結果跟連續24小時沒睡的人差不多。
- 週末時間的睡眠往後挪一小時,就會導致 IQ 減少七分
- 生字、99乘法表、歷史年代等記憶性學習靠海馬迴,這在睡眠的第一階段的慢波睡眠發生
- 口語發音的動覺記憶發生在第二階段的非快速眼動 (non-REM sleep)
- 聽覺記憶在各個階段都會處理
- 記憶的鞏固與強化只會在晚上睡眠時進行
- 兒童睡眠有四成處於慢波階段,是成人的十倍。記憶性學性習發生在慢波階段,所以睡得好不好大大影響學習。
- 研究統計發現胖小孩並沒有比瘦小孩看更多的電視
- 研究統計發現幼兒園/小學生睡不足 8 小時得到肥胖症機率大於睡滿 10 小時的 300%
- 睡眠不足影響人體的激素:
增加 Ghrelin(類生長激素 or 飢餓激素),抑制 Leptin(瘦體素)。
增加 Cortisol(可體松 or 皮質醇,也就是壓力荷爾蒙),刺激人體製造脂肪。
- 睡不好的情況會不想運動
話說睡覺這部分感覺跟 Why we sleep 這本書有不少重疊 (?)
- 常見的錯誤:責怪小孩想要掩飾的過錯,而不責怪說謊的行為
- 說謊是一種兒童大腦發展過程重要的里程碑,需要高度的認知能力和社交技巧才辦得到(所以小孩會說謊除了擔心以外,也應該高興...XD)
- 說謊行為特別早發生的小孩(兩三歲),或者特別早就能不露出謊言破綻的小孩(四五歲),在各種智力、學力測驗的表現都比較好
- 年紀還小時(通常是小學就學前)的說謊大多是為了躲避懲罰
- 很多小孩進入小學後的說謊,通常是一種適應機制,用來宣泄挫折或吸引注意。例如不甘自己落於人後,所以用謊話來自我補償。
- 如果孩子突然變得特別愛說謊,往往是生活圈子有了困擾他的變化。撒謊通常是另一個更大問題的徵兆。撒謊通常是孩子用來把日子過下去的一種策略
- 如果說謊變成處理人際關係難題的成功策略,孩子就會選擇繼續說謊。父母要引導孩子用適當的方式解決人際關係的問題。
1. 要讓孩子知道說謊不會受到懲罰。因為孩子會害怕受到懲罰而說更多謊
2. 因此小孩說謊是為了讓爸媽開心,希望回到你心目中的美好地位,要讓孩子知道爸媽會因為你說實話而開心,因此要對孩子說:「假如你做了(某個你說你沒做的事情),我不會生氣,還有,要是你說實話,我會很高興」
why we sleep amazon 在 Yuka Ohishi Youtube 的最讚貼文
🎤 今回紹介したマイク
Hollyland LARK150ワイヤレスマイク
▸ Amazon: https://geni.us/zwbLy
▸ Yodobashi: https://www.yodobashi.com/product/100000001005960788/
📕 本屋で言及していた本たち
▸ 「82年生まれ、キム・ジヨン」チョ・ナムジュ
▸ 「睡眠こそ最強の解決策である」マシュー・ウォーカー
英語だとWhy We Sleep (なぜ私たちは眠るのか)なのに、日本版は邦題と表紙デザインがすごく胡散臭くなってしまっていて残念だけど、
Musicbed の音楽を使用しています。
クーポンコード YUKA で、Individual年間プランの初月無料になります。
Twitter: http://www.twitter.com/yukaohishi
Instagram: http://www.instagram.com/0oyukao0
Podcast: https://geni.us/stillrendering
Website: http://blossomlink.me
why we sleep amazon 在 Cao Son Nguyen Youtube 的最佳貼文
Ballade Disney Theme Song | Piano Cover by Cao Son Nguyen
I hope you guys will enjoy my 15 songs playlist of songs from Disney animation movies :')
'Ooh, it really makes me wonder' ...
► Support me on Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/CaoSonNguyen
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#DisneyThemeSong #CaoSonNguyen #Playlist
The story of the video
Just wondering why people doesn't remain anything about kids' songs, or maybe clearly as "Disney Theme Song". I made this for relaxing piano most and greatly, it has been done. The Album named "Ballad Disney Theme Song" will also available soon but let's listen to this for relaxing first, shall we?
---- SONG LIST ----
A Whole New World (From Aladdin) - 0:01
Beauty And The Beast (From Beauty And The Beast) 03:06
Can You Feel The Love Tonight (From The Lion King) 05:49
Circle Of Life (From The Lion King) 09:10
Do You Want To Build A Snowman (From Frozen) 13:21
I See The Light (From Tangled) 15:42
Le Festin (From Ratatoulle) 20:17
Let It Go (From Frozen) 22:28
Married Life (From UP!) 26:11
Part Of Your World (From The Little Mermaid) 29:35
Prince Ali (From Aladdin) 33:23
Ratatoulle Main Theme 36:55
Reflection (From Mulan) 38:55
When She Loved Me (From Toy Story 2) 40:46
You've Got A Friend In Me (From Toy Story) 44:00
Arranged and performed by Cao Son Nguyen
Video produced by tamm
My first album release: "Piano Cover Collection" is now available
Available on iTunes: https://apple.co/2YHwB07
Find out more: https://song.link/album/i/1464362962
Connect with me:
Cao Son Nguyen on Spotify: https://spoti.fi/2JesAgk
Find me on iTunes: https://apple.co/2EnkWfi
Tidal Artist Profile: http://bit.ly/CaoSonNguyenTidal
Napster: https://gb.napster.com/artist/cao-son-nguyen
Amazon Music: http://bit.ly/CaoSonNguyenamz
SoundCloud: http://bit.ly/CaoSonNguyenSC
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