Waiting for our Bridegroom
“In my Father’s house are many homes. If it weren’t so, I would have told you. I am going to prepare a place for you. If I go and prepare a place for you, I will come again, and will receive you to myself; that where I am, you may be there also.” (John 14:2-3 WEB)
The passage above is Jesus speaking to the disciples. It sounds like the loving words of a bridegroom to his bride, because it is.
In Jewish custom, the bridegroom would prepare a honeymoon/nuptial room in his father’s house before fetching the bride there on a day that she doesn’t know. She only knows the approximate period where he will come, but not the exact day or hour.
Look at the sequence of events: 1) Jesus goes back to Heaven to prepare a place for the disciples, 2) He will come again to receive the disciples to Himself, 3) The disciples will finally be where He is in Heaven, in His Father’s house.
I believe that the disciples and all saints who are in Heaven at the moment, are not yet where Jesus is, in the temple of God in the highest part of Heaven.
There is a mountain of God there, the true Zion, where the true temple stands. Everything on earth in Jerusalem was built to reflect the heavenly truth. Even the location of the temple, the layout etc.
The mountain of God is off-limits to the spirits of the saints at the moment, but when Jesus comes again to receive His saints to Himself at the Rapture, we will be resurrected, receive our glorified bodies, and join Him in the highest part of Heaven to meet Abba God.
It’s not that we are not cleansed perfectly or not holy enough yet to approach God’s throne in Heaven. Our born-again spirits are already perfectly righteous and holy. But there is a right timing for the bride to meet the bridegroom.
We are waiting for Jesus to receive us to Himself, and we will join Him up there in our glorified bodies, not in spirit form.
The Jewish wedding customs give us clear sequence of the Biblical events to come.
About one week before the wedding, the bridegroom and bride don’t meet, to keep themselves ceremonially holy and to increase the anticipation for each other. This period represents our current time, where we are still eagerly waiting for Jesus’ return for His redeemed saints.
Even the spirits of saints in Heaven are also waiting for the Rapture so they can finally meet Jesus face to face.
Next in the heavenly wedding agenda is Jesus coming to catch us up to the air to meet with Him there, in the Rapture (harpazo).
Just picture a strong bridegroom lifting the bride off her feet, carrying her in his arms as she wraps her arms around his neck. That’s the romantic picture of the Rapture.
Then, in Jewish weddings, the bridegroom and bride will have a private wedding ceremony, followed by a honeymoon in the nuptial room prepared in the father’s house.
This honeymoon is the seven-years period of the Tribulation. While the world is going through the Tribulation, the Raptured saints will be safe in Heaven, enjoying closeness with Jesus.
After that, the bridegroom and bride will have a marriage supper to celebrate their new marital union with their family and friends. Many wedding guests are invited.
This is a picture of the marriage supper of the Lamb which will take place on earth, at the beginning of the Millennial Reign of Christ.
Jesus will come back to earth with us, to destroy the Antichrist and his wicked armies, and we will move into our marital home: Jerusalem. That’s where the Marriage Supper of the Lamb is going to be held, and also when we will stand before Jesus’ throne to receive our eternal rewards.
If you look at the Bible for what it really is, it is actually a love story. A story of a Father seeking a pure, beautiful and holy bride for His beloved Son who wants someone to lavish His love upon. If you miss this overarching theme of love, you have missed the entire point of the Bible.
Did you know that the Bible gives us some of the layout of Heaven and important geographical aspects of it? In the meantime, all saints are waiting for the Rapture in Paradise in the third heaven.
Knowing your eternal destination will give you a peace and confidence in your soul, enabling you to live life without the hovering cloud of uncertainty about what lies ahead.
Order and download my ebook “A Tour of Heaven and Eternity” to learn more about the third heaven and our final abode which is New Jerusalem: https://www.miltongoh.net/store/p15/a-tour-of-heaven-and-eternity-milton-goh.html
同時也有1部Youtube影片,追蹤數超過54萬的網紅Budiey Channel,也在其Youtube影片中提到,Janna Nick yang panas dengan kontroversi artis Kpop, baru-baru ini telah tampil dalam sidang media secara virtual, jam 2.30 petang ini. Undangan sidan...
wedding agenda 在 Lee Yvonne Facebook 的最佳解答
This has never happened to me before so I thought it’d be interesting to share.
Last week, I had a job inquiry to host a wedding reception.
The client said he would get his colleague to contact me but no news whatsoever, so I thought the job was a no go.
Until yesterday evening at 6.30pm, I got a text from the groom asking me about my whereabouts which I found strange.
Then it hit me hard that “TONIGHT” is his wedding dinner.
I told him nobody followed up with me so I didn’t note down the job in my calendar. ... and he went like, “OMG! There’s been a miscommunication. The person who was supposed to contact you thought someone else was going to do it and that person assumed another person would contact you to confirm the job.... but in the end, nobody did.. I’m sorry, do you think you could still make it and come to the hotel now?”.
I said ‘YES’ in a heart beat because first, it was his special night.
Second, I didn’t want to be responsible for ruining the newly wedded couple’s wedding reception.
Third, my schedule was open.
I immediately got ready with the help of my mum choosing a suitable cocktail dress for me and drove me to the venue while I did my make up in the car!
I literally rushed and ran like a headless chicken. Got to the hotel, met the team, looked at the agenda, no script, no sound check and off I went on stage in less than 10 minutes upon arrival!
It was a really impromptu fast and furious kinda night for me as I winged it.
Putting aside the chaos, I actually find this experience thrilling and challenging! It’s weird but I am a bit of an adrenaline junkie and things like this fire me up!
If you’re wondering, everything went according to plan, at least to the event organizer 😆
I’m just really happy and glad that I didn’t get the bride and groom’s names wrong despite the zero preparation that I had! ✌🏽
Happy Sunday! ☺
👗: @doublewoot_fashion
wedding agenda 在 天地人學堂 Facebook 的最佳貼文
【天地人學堂:自創品牌的熱銷秘訣 實況報導】
第一位講師:MAEKiT聚好策略顧問總監/前奧美互動行銷業務總監 黃君鼎 Francis
曾任奧美互動行銷業務總監、遊戲橘子品牌策略規劃、AGENDA資深業務經理的 Francis講師 以在業界十餘年的豐富經驗,告訴學員現今企業不得不思考的「品牌」課題!課堂中不僅播放品牌廣告供學員參考,也提出許多例子與觀點讓一早來上課的大家變得相當專注在課程上。如何建立讓品牌行銷出去的計畫是品牌定位的重點,Francis講師 的解說替今天的課程有個清楚開場。
【產品開發完全攻略】Part.1 產品開發從零到一的成功關鍵
第二位講師:樂灣國際/總經理 何佳霖 Helen
解析實務案例「北緯23.5」產品開發的過程,先理解自身品牌的理念與發想精神 WHY US?賣產品?賣品牌?找出品牌本身的定位並分清它涵蓋的範圍,Helen講師 提及:「做自創品牌請勿違背做生意的邏輯,還是必須要擁有生意上的觀念去執行開發產品中的每一步。」而產品經理的角色非常重要,就像是中小型企業裡的CEO,它必須以消費者的觀點去思考是否有滿足消費者的需求?是否有讓成本與毛利達到平衡?同時分析此產品在市場上的佔面率、預算等,做出敏銳的判斷。規劃好品牌商品開發的流程,了解消費者的消費動機,為什麼去那消費?並蒐集競爭對手與環境的資訊。
【產品開發完全攻略】Part.2 從千到千萬的品牌之路
第三位講師:TOKYO'EF wedding/執行長(創辦人)陳彥錞 Sherry
「每個女人心中都住著一位小女孩」以此為創業理念的TOKYO'EF wedding,以獨家設計東方剪裁的精神,為新娘打造市場前所未有的獨特婚紗,獲有婚紗雜誌的評選為北區六大名店。Sherry講師 在學生時期觀察到亞洲人沒有像西方人在穿著禮服的文化上已經有長久的歷史,而西方禮服主要是為洋人所設計,普遍較不符合亞洲人的身材,因此看準這點去製作符合東方人身形的禮服產品,並利用自身的產品,去提升、推廣台灣在禮服文化上的重視。創業初期主要從小禮服(TOKYO'EF 東京衣服)開始做起,讓原本約8000元的網拍經營、攤,慢慢有了成長之後便開始加入婚紗的產品設計,才成為現在年營數千萬的品牌TOKYO'EF wedding。Sherry講師 在選擇品牌代言人的過程中,思考著希望能吸引到什麼樣的顧客,並找出與東方氣質較為接近的人來代言,人的形象、文化等必須與品牌相似,至今已與許瑋甯、隋棠、舒淇等藝人合作過。
第四位講師:台灣電影文創產業協會/理事&召集人/蕭培元 Jerry
Jerry講師 一開場就舉出相當多的廣告類型提供給學員觀看,其中翻拍廣告類型成本低,惡搞的影片會有一定的市場,像是《這群人TGOP》的翻拍廣告、《古阿莫》用2、3分鐘解說完一部電影。產品廣告類型微電影—《牛頭牌沙茶醬》則是在影片的最後加上一段文案,可供觀看者利用這段文字搜尋這則廣告。品牌廣告類型微電影-透過分鏡、大特寫、特寫、運鏡、情境語言、主從關係等的拍攝技巧,來組成一支具備故事性的影片。Jerry講師 除了播放非常多的廣告,同時也指導學員如何分辨分鏡的數量,將廣告解析成起承轉合的部分,詳細的解說每一個部分在觀看者的內心會達到什麼樣的心理作用。好的微電影及廣告,其中都設計過每個在鏡頭下的角色,包括物體。它的一言一語、肢體語言,還有燈光的明亮與昏暗,就連在時間的秒數上都做過精心的安排,多蒐集每一個情緒可能帶來的聯想畫面,才能在每一秒都能有不同的劇情。
第五位講師:台灣微軟 Microsoft資深業務經理/前VMware資探通路BDM經理 蘇書平 Steve
傳統的行銷4P理論是否還適用?無論用什麼手法,A/B Test是第一步必須做的,用最小的資源做測試,找出客戶使用者經驗的最佳路徑。分析網站流量的資料,而流量的資料又有哪幾項是需要兼顧的呢?Steve講師 提到流量≠銷量,這是很現實的一面。
現代人使用的Pinterest、Instagram、Web、Facebook等熱門的社群網站,都跟A/B Test有關聯。使用者所使用的APP,它網站的版面配置會隨著使用著的習慣位置,跟著做出改變與調整,這就是A/B Test正在做的事情。A/B Test能夠測試銷售情境,根據不同類型或專長業務到客戶商等。Steve講師 強調不能只有一支獨角色的產品,唯有不斷地蒐集資料的質量以及證據才能確認什麼產品才是王道。
#產品A/B Test達到最大化經濟
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wedding agenda 在 Budiey Channel Youtube 的最讚貼文
Janna Nick yang panas dengan kontroversi artis Kpop, baru-baru ini telah tampil dalam sidang media secara virtual, jam 2.30 petang ini. Undangan sidang media menyatakan sebarang agenda dan hanya ditulis Sidang Media Khas, namun dipercayai ada kaitan dengan kontroversi di mana dia didakwa mempersenda anggota kumpulan popular Korea Selatan, Blackpink iaitu Lisa Manoban dengan menulis Lisa BLACKPIG di Instagram membuatkan dia diserang netizen dan peminat kumpulan itu sejak Ahad lalu. Janna turut mengumumkan penganjuran sidang media itu dalam Instagram.#JANNANICK #BLACKPINK #LISABLACKPINK
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