Isteri kita ni, anugerah teragung Allah yang sangat unik buat kita.
Masa kita bercinta dengan dia dulu, takde cacat celanya. Semua nampak perfect. Maklum sajalah, hati dah suka.
Yang tak berkenan sikit-sikit tu kita halalkan saja. Kalau ada yang tak serupa dengan kita, kita akan usahakan supaya jadi sama seia sekata.
...Continue ReadingOur wife, Allah's greatest gift that is very unique to us.
When we were in love with him first, there was no flaw. Everything looks perfect. Just be advised, the heart is fond of it.
Those who don't like it, let's just make it easy. If there's something that's not similar to us, we'll try to be the same as the same as us.
We will be equally equated. What's not our favorite, we'll pretend to like and like.
There is no world that is more beautiful than the world when in love. Short words, even his farts we say it smells good!
If we speak, we will speak softly. If we walk we will lead our hands.
When we're married, we sit together. Now we know a lot of secret things. There are many things that we don't like.
That's not perfect enough. This is not in the eyes. All sorts of shortcomings we're starting to feel.
Even the tone of voice is increasing. If you don't get a little, you'll remember No one wants to be sweet.
If you walk together, 2, 3 pillars will be left behind. If you have a child, then you'll do it. Wife is busy with children, we are busy breathing fresh air alone.
That's the time, we start to feel that we don't rush to get married first, maybe we can find someone else better.
But there it is. As long as we don't marry him, we won't see what his weaknesses and weaknesses are.
And if we marry someone else, we will feel the same thing.
Yes, not married, we really feel like someone else is better than our wives. But after marriage only know that others have many shortcomings.
So be grateful. That is our soulmate who is the best provision of Allah for us.
Friends, there is no perfect human.
As we see our wives are not perfect, we are also human like her. We are not perfect either.
As we see our wives have many weaknesses, we are also human like her. We have many weaknesses too.
Later, when our wives are no longer here, that weakness will be a loss.
If our wife likes to talk, wait when she's gone. That letter will be a loss. We will miss.
If our wife likes to protest us, wait when she's gone. The protest will be a loss. We will miss.
If our wives like to ask us to do this, wait when she's gone. That Surabaya will be a loss. We will miss.
If our wife likes to clean the house until we get crazy, wait when she's gone. The golden will be a loss. We will miss.
If our wife likes to tell us all sorts of things, wait when she's gone. His words will be a loss. We will miss.
If our wife likes to fight with us, wait when she's gone. His fight will be a loss. We will miss.
If our wife sleeps snoring, wait when she's gone. The snoring will be a loss. We will miss.
If our wife sleeps her teeth, wait when she's gone. That rushing will be a loss. We will miss.
If our wives sleep hard, wait when they're gone. Sleeping is going to be a loss. We will miss.
If our wives always sulk, wait when they're gone. That knit will be a loss. We will miss.
If our wives sometimes their fight hurts us, wait when they're gone. The heartache will be a loss. We will miss.
Allah... at that time, we will ask Allah to extend another moment. We want to say love, love and miss our wives.
Friends, rather than we are tired of finding perfection, we better be part of the perfection of our partner.
Marriage is complementary.
What we are more, that will perfect our wives. Which he is more, that's what will perfect ourselves as husbands.
Learning to keep your chest open. Learning to be grateful. Learn enough with what you have.
The time we have is not much anymore. Whether we go first to face our Divine or wife who goes first. Its just a matter of time.
If this is the last chance we have, take advantage of it. Don't act when you're gone.
Because after that the distance between our separation in the world with the reunion in heaven is an uncertain distance...
we go with anuar 在 Pakar diari hati Facebook 的最佳貼文
Isteri kita ni, anugerah teragung Allah yang sangat unik buat kita.
Masa kita bercinta dengan dia dulu, takde cacat celanya. Semua nampak perfect. Maklum sajalah, hati dah suka.
Yang tak berkenan sikit-sikit tu kita halalkan saja. Kalau ada yang tak serupa dengan kita, kita akan usahakan supaya jadi sama seia sekata.
...Continue ReadingOur wife, Allah's greatest gift that is very unique to us.
When we were in love with him first, there was no flaw. Everything looks perfect. Just be advised, the heart is fond of it.
Those who don't like it, let's just make it easy. If there's something that's not similar to us, we'll try to be the same as the same as us.
We will be equally equated. What's not our favorite, we'll pretend to like and like.
There is no world that is more beautiful than the world when in love. Short words, even his farts we say it smells good!
If we speak, we will speak softly. If we walk we will lead our hands.
When we're married, we sit together. Now we know a lot of secret things. There are many things that we don't like.
That's not perfect enough. This is not in the eyes. All sorts of shortcomings we're starting to feel.
Even the tone of voice is increasing. If you don't get a little, you'll remember No one wants to be sweet.
If you walk together, 2, 3 pillars will be left behind. If you have a child, then you'll do it. Wife is busy with children, we are busy breathing fresh air alone.
That's the time, we start to feel that we don't rush to get married first, maybe we can find someone else better.
But there it is. As long as we don't marry him, we won't see what his weaknesses and weaknesses are.
And if we marry someone else, we will feel the same thing.
Yes, not married, we really feel like someone else is better than our wives. But after marriage only know that others have many shortcomings.
So be grateful. That is our soulmate who is the best provision of Allah for us.
Friends, there is no perfect human.
As we see our wives are not perfect, we are also human like her. We are not perfect either.
As we see our wives have many weaknesses, we are also human like her. We have many weaknesses too.
Later, when our wives are no longer here, that weakness will be a loss.
If our wife likes to talk, wait when she's gone. That letter will be a loss. We will miss.
If our wife likes to protest us, wait when she's gone. The protest will be a loss. We will miss.
If our wives like to ask us to do this, wait when she's gone. That Surabaya will be a loss. We will miss.
If our wife likes to clean the house until we get crazy, wait when she's gone. The golden will be a loss. We will miss.
If our wife likes to tell us all sorts of things, wait when she's gone. His words will be a loss. We will miss.
If our wife likes to fight with us, wait when she's gone. His fight will be a loss. We will miss.
If our wife sleeps snoring, wait when she's gone. The snoring will be a loss. We will miss.
If our wife sleeps her teeth, wait when she's gone. That rushing will be a loss. We will miss.
If our wives sleep hard, wait when they're gone. Sleeping is going to be a loss. We will miss.
If our wives always sulk, wait when they're gone. That knit will be a loss. We will miss.
If our wives sometimes their fight hurts us, wait when they're gone. The heartache will be a loss. We will miss.
Allah... at that time, we will ask Allah to extend another moment. We want to say love, love and miss our wives.
Friends, rather than we are tired of finding perfection, we better be part of the perfection of our partner.
Marriage is complementary.
What we are more, that will perfect our wives. Which he is more, that's what will perfect ourselves as husbands.
Learning to keep your chest open. Learning to be grateful. Learn enough with what you have.
The time we have is not much anymore. Whether we go first to face our Divine or wife who goes first. Its just a matter of time.
If this is the last chance we have, take advantage of it. Don't act when you're gone.
Because after that the distance between our separation in the world with the reunion in heaven is an uncertain distance...
we go with anuar 在 Azizan Osman Facebook 的最佳解答
Mengapa Ducky ada di mana-mana?
Sungguh tak percaya sekarang Ducky berada di Pulau Jutawan, Pulau Lagenda, Pulau Langkawi. Semenjak hari pertama Ducky follow perkembangan ICM Premier Langkawi 2020.
Ducky selalu tertanya-tanya.
Mengapa mereka ni begitu tekad? Mengapa mereka sanggup travel beratus batu untuk berjumpa dengan MenThor? Mengapa mereka pilih jalan ini?
Setelah dengar perkongsian Big Why dan Impian mereka, baru Ducky tahu mereka ada Impian. Ramai yang sedang berharap dengan mereka.
Sebaik-baik manusia, adalah manusia yang berikan manfaat kepada lebih ramai orang. Dengan berbisnes mereka dapat perbaiki taraf kehidupan mereka. Mereka dapat beri manfaat kepada pekerja dan team mereka, mereka dapat kongsikan rezeki pada mereka yang memerlukan, bukankah itu tujuan hidup? Dipermudahkan untuk berjaya di Dunia dan di Akhirat.
Mengapa mereka pilih MenThor Dr Azizan Osman?
Sebab tekad dan kesungguhan beliau mendidik. Sebab hasil usahawan jutawan yang proven results. Ada yang bermula dari kosong dan kini berada di tahap sangat luar biasa dan mereka bukan pun asalnya dari keluarga yang berada. Mereka pun pernah susah dan lalui liku-liku kehidupan.
Pernah dengar Najib Asaddok dari Momentum Internet? Puan Kartika dari Eskayvie? Tuan Sufian dan Puan Siti Fatimah dari Sabella Holdings? Puan Nur Aini dan Tuan Saiful Anuar dari Nurraysa Global? Puan Intan Baiduri dari Noir Health and Beauty?
Hari ini Ducky lihat dengan mata dan dengar sendiri perkongsian mereka, bagaimana tindakan luar biasa, bagaimana pentingnya MenThor, Ilmu dan Strategy yang betul.
Selalu tertanya ...
Layakkah aku?
Apa agaknya orang kata bila aku cuba sertai nanti?
Boleh ke aku ubah hidup dan keluar dari kesukaran yang aku hadapi sekarang?
Sampai bila aku nak berada dalam zon selesa dan tak bersedia jika apa-apa berlaku kelak?
Bila aku boleh jadi seperti mereka?
Hari ini, Ducky dapat jawapan. Jika Ducky NAK, semua boleh.
Mengapa perlu ada MenThor yang proven success sebab apa yang kita tahu hari ini menentukan di mana kita akan berada esok. Beliau pernah lalui situasi ini, beliau sudah bimbing lebih 700 ribu peserta dari seluruh pelusuk dalam dan luar negara. Dan beliau sangat komited untuk bimbing anak didik beliau untuk capai ke tahap yang lebih luar biasa, dan beliau yang dikenali sebagai MenThor Dr Azizan Osman.
MenThor tak pernah tinggalkan anak muridnya, cuma anak murid yang akan berubah dalam perjalanan tu dan akan buat keputusan dalam hidup mereka.
Who is Next?
Siapa nak jadi the next Titan?
Why is ducky everywhere?
Can't believe Ducky is now in Millionaire Island, Pulau Lagenda, Langkawi. Since the first day of Ducky following the development of ICM Premier Langkawi 2020.
Ducky always wondered.
Why are they so determination? Why are they willing to travel to meet MenThor? Why did they choose this path?
After hearing the Big Why and their Dreams sharing, just Ducky knew they had a Dream. Many are hoping with them.
As good as humans, it is humans who benefit more people. With business they can improve their lives. They can benefit their workers and teams, they can share sustenance to those in need, isn't that the purpose of life? Makes it easy to succeed in the world and in the afterlife.
Why did they choose MenThor Dr Azizan Osman?
Because of his determination and determination he educated. Because the result of millionaire entrepreneurs who have proven results. Some started from empty and are now in an extraordinary level and they're not even from the family. They've been hard too and go through life's turns.
Ever heard of Najib Asaddok from Momentum Internet? Mrs. Kartika from Eskayvie? Sir Sufian and Mrs. Siti Fatimah from Sabella Holdings? Madam Nur Aini and Tuan Saiful Anuar from Nurraysa Global? Mrs. Intan Baiduri from Noir Health and Beauty?
Today Ducky saw with the eyes and heard for yourself their sharing, how amazing action is, how important MenThor, Knowledge and Strategies are right.
Always wonder...
Am I worth it?
What do people say when I try to join?
Can I change my life and get out of the hardships I'm facing right now?
Until when am I going to be in a comfortable zone and not ready if anything happens later?
When can I be like them?
Today, Ducky got an answer. If it's Ducky NAKS, everything can be.
Why should there be a MenThor that is proven success because what we know today determines where we will be tomorrow. He has been through this situation, he has guided more than 700 thousand participants from all ribs in and abroad. And he is very committed to guiding his educational students to reach to a greater level, and he is known as MenThor Dr Azizan Osman.
MenThor never leaves his students, only students will change on the journey and will decide in their lives.
Who is Next?
Who wants to be the next Titan?
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