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undead movies 在 EZ Talk Facebook 的最佳貼文
Unless you’ve been living under a rock, you know what a vampire is. These undead monsters who survive by drinking human blood are everybody’s favorite scary creature. They’re not only popular around Halloween, but can be found in books, movies and TV shows any time of the year. The public thirst for vampires is almost as endless as vampires’ thirst for blood. But where do vampires come from?
The word vampire has Slavic origins, so it’s not surprising that vampires can be traced back to Eastern European folklore. In the early 18th century, stories began appearing about corpses climbing out of their graves at night and drinking the blood of the living. When villages were struck by mysterious plagues, the deaths were often blamed on vampires, and teams of vampire hunters were formed to find the culprits. These teams dug up graves at the local graveyard, and when they found corpses with certain signs—like blood around the mouth or lack of decay—they “killed” them with a wooden stake through the chest.
vampire 一詞源自斯拉夫語,因此吸血鬼可追溯到東歐民間傳說也不足為怪。18 世紀初,屍體在夜間從墳墓中爬出並吸活人血的傳聞開始出現。村子裡爆發神祕的瘟疫時,村民往往將死因歸咎於吸血鬼,並組織吸血鬼獵殺隊尋找罪魁禍首。獵殺隊會在當地墳場挖掘墳墓,只要在屍體上發現某些跡象,比如嘴邊有血跡或屍體未腐爛,就會用木樁刺穿胸部,「殺死」屍體。
上面的文章中有live under a rock 這個片語,為「與世隔絕」的意思。
當你發現一個人對外界發生的事漠不關心,大家都知道的事,他都沒聽說過,會驚愕地問他:「你是山頂洞人嗎?」live under a rock就是形容一個人最近發生的重大事件渾然不知。
A: Who are the Kardashians? Is that the name of a band or something?
B: You don’t know who the Kardashians are? Have you been living under a rock?
想看更多,請見《最讓人發毛的鬼話英文:EZ TALK總編嚴選特刊》。
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Dead Shack Canadian Trailer
On a weekend getaway at a rundown cabin in the woods, Jason, a cautious teen, his crude best friend Colin and his fearless older sister Summer are forced to work together, grow up and save their hard partying parents from their predatory neighbour intent on feeding them all to her undead family.