2021 ARS ELECTRONICA FESTIVAL featuring Garden Taipei/ Formosa will kick off online tomorrow! The open press conference was held at the National Taiwan Normal University on Sep 7.
The VR experience simulation was also available at the press conference. All the guests can embark on the journey to the Grand Tour by using the VR equipment on site.
Curator Hsin-Chien Huang has thanked all the support from his partners, fellow artists, and directors. It wouldn’t be possible to create this unprecedented lineup without all the assistance he was given. The content of the exhibition this year relied on bringing many fields together, for example, the “Earth Tour: Taste Your Soul” is co-created with the internationally renowned chef Andre Chiang. Also, “The Weight of Data” is collaborated among the Taipei Urban Intelligence Center, Peppercorns, and Roboenter, presenting how technology could change our society in a variety of forms. Huang hoped that the future development of digital technology in Taiwan can be broadened and extended to different fields to get in touch with more perspectives and subjects. He was certain that with the online exhibition and the press conference, more creative energy would be gathered, and Taiwan would be put on the map.
今(7日)在 國立臺灣師範大學 National Taiwan Normal University 舉辦開幕記者會,本次記者會會後更加入了 VR體驗活動,與會嘉賓可以使用現場VR器材一同進入《島嶼壯遊》的歷險世界。
策展人黃心健教授表示:「由衷感謝眾多協力單位的共同支持,以及藝術家與導演的幫助之下,才能促使今年的展出陣容更甚以往;今年度的展出內容即是眾多跨領域整合的展現,如與國際名廚江振誠主廚聯名創作的『食壤計畫』、臺北大數據中心、Peppercorns 黑川互動媒體藝術 與 Roboenter 樂飛特三方合作共同集結的作品「資料的重量」等,以多元的表現形式來展現科技改變社會的能力,希望未來數位科技在臺灣的發展進程可以延展到更多面向,觸及到更多不一樣的視角與題材,相信經過此次的線上展覽以及記者會能夠凝聚更多能量使臺灣更加發光!」
✨線上展覽時間為2021年9月8日至12日! 開始倒數🤩🤩🤩
展前複習一下👉🏻台北/福爾摩沙花園:島嶼壯遊 展覽預告片傳送門🚪
✔️【食壤計畫】 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nl80hcdI_jY
👉🏻奧地利電子藝術節大會花園 https://ars.electronica.art/new....../de/formosa-grand-tour/
👉🏻台北/福爾摩沙花園:島嶼壯遊 專區 http://garden2021.metarealitylab.com/
📰媒體報導 :::::::
✔️師大:設計系前進奧地利電子藝術節 臺灣22件作品帶領島嶼壯遊
✔️中央社:前進奧地利電子藝術節 台22件作品帶領島嶼壯遊
✔️中央社:台22件作品前進奧地利林茲電子藝術節 (圖)
✔️經濟日報:前進奧地利電子藝術節 台22件作品帶領島嶼壯遊
✔️中央社:黃心健領軍前進奧地利林茲電子藝術節 客傳會首推《浮光童夢》動人VR動畫
✔️青年日報:臺灣22件作品壯遊島嶼 前進奧地利電子藝術節
✔️講客廣播電台:黃心健領軍前進奧地利林茲電子藝術節 客傳會首推《浮光童夢》VR邀大家9/8起感動體驗
#arselectronica21 #gardentaipeiformosa #vpat #hsinchienhuang #newmediaart #arselectronica
tomorrow technology 明日科技 在 Hi家教 在家學外語 Facebook 的最佳解答
Bank tellers are out and robotics engineers are in, according to a new report that says the coronavirus recession is accelerating technological changes that could displace 85 million jobs within the next five years.
"Automation, in tandem with the Covid-19 recession, is creating a 'double disruption' scenario for workers," said the report published Wednesday by the World Economic Forum, which warns that inequality is likely to increase unless displaced workers can be retrained to enter new professions.
More than two-fifths of large companies surveyed by the WEF plan to reduce their workforces due to the integration of technology.
"For the first time in recent years, job creation is starting to lag behind job destruction — and this factor is poised to affect disadvantaged workers with particular ferocity," the WEF said in its report.
"As unemployment figures rise, it is of increasing urgency to expand social protection including support for retraining to displaced and at-risk workers as they navigate the paths... towards the 'jobs of tomorrow,'" the WEF report said.
The pandemic risks deepening existing inequalities because industries that have been hardest hit, including travel and tourism, hospitality and retail, tend to have younger, and lower-wage workers who are disproportionately female.
The World Bank has warned that the pandemic could increase income inequality and push up to 115 million people into extreme poverty this year.
accelerate (V.)加速
scenario (N.)局面
recession (N.)經濟衰退
integration (N.)整合
displaced (形)流離失所的
inequality (N.)不平等
新聞出處︰CNN 10/20新聞(節選)
tomorrow technology 明日科技 在 Taiwan Startup Stadium 台灣新創競技場 Facebook 的精選貼文
【 Leading Talk featuring David Plouffe 】
Our very own Taiwan Startup Stadium VP of Programs and Communications, Holly Harrington (韓荷麗), will be on stage tomorrow as a panelist with David Plouffe, campaign manager for Obama’s 2008 successful presidential run, Uber’s former Senior VP of Policy and Strategy, and now Uber’s Global Chief Advisor. Other panelists will include Taiwan Legislator Jason Hsu (許毓仁), Director General of TiEA 林之晨 (Jamie Lin), and Ko Wen-je’s 2014 Mayoral Campaign Online Strategist 戴季全 (Tai Chi Chuan).
Leaders within Taiwan’s tech community, don’t miss out on this sure to be fascinating discussion on how government policy can work with innovators in science and technology to transform Taiwan’s economy. Space is limited, so register now! https://edm.bnext.com.tw/2016leadingtalk/
【 科技新創 x 經濟成長:從不該是兩個議題 】
我們的計劃與行銷副總經理 Holly Harrington 將於明日與歐巴馬政策戰略操盤手、Uber全球董事暨首席顧問的 David Plouffe 同台,一起探討如何融合政策與科技、讓台灣轉型的關鍵策略。其他同台包括:立法委員 許毓仁、 TiEA協會理事長 林之晨 (Jamie Lin)、2014年柯文哲市長競選團隊科技顧問 戴季全 (Tai Chi Chuan) 等。各位科技新創人士們,抓緊最後一天,報名參加吧:https://edm.bnext.com.tw/2016leadingtalk/