#八名散布謠言者被依法查處 🇨🇳
「控制了敘事的權力,就控制了歷史...」國際影視矚目的美國日舞影展即將開始,適逢武漢爆發疫情一周年之際,影展裡有一紀錄片格外受到關注——中國旅美女性導演王男栿的最新作品《In the Same Breath》,記錄2020年初混亂與失意交雜的武漢疫情現場,同時也將鏡頭轉向美國,描述相同的場景如何在美國上演,透過對照來諷刺兩國領導人的管理失誤。紀錄片由HBO資助監製,未來也將會在華納媒體的相關平台播放。導演王男栿與這部紀錄片有何特別之處?掌管全球最大電影和娛樂市場的華納,會因為這部紀錄片而被迫放棄中國市場嗎?圖為《In the Same Breath》中,引用2020年1月1日,武漢官方公告8名散佈有關疫情的謠言者已依法被查處,中國多家電視新聞主播異口同聲:「八名散播謠言者被依法查處」。
王男栿的紀錄片有著強烈的反思與核心關懷,最新作品《In the Same Breath》依然不失王男栿的風格色彩。片中選取一段中國新聞畫面:多名電視新聞主播異口同聲地說出武漢「八名散播謠言者被依法查處」,再透過多位公民記者遠程採訪和拍攝的畫面,逐步呈現武漢當時令人心碎的場景——無法和至親道別的傷痛、前線醫療工作者和殯葬業者不斷面對死亡的創傷。王男栿找到當地一名確診感染的私人診所醫生,他被各家醫院拒絕收治而不幸病逝,他的妻子只能目睹救護車載走遺體。
王男栿譴責中國官方處理不當、隱瞞病情,但相同的事件不久後也再度於美國上演。紀錄片裡截取了防疫專家佛奇(Anthony Fauci)在2020年3月曾說「根本沒有必要戴口罩」;但事實是,紐約的疫情在去年3月已開始蔓延。隨後美國像是一夕之間成為「翻版武漢」——紐約空蕩蕩的車站大廳、一名護士因為戴上口罩受到醫院懲處、而另一名護士因為表達安全隱憂而被開除。但紀錄片的最終畫面停留在獲得首批疫苗之時,希望以此作為積極的象徵。王男栿也希望以此紀錄片質問:我們到底從這一次的疫情中學到了什麼?如何才能避免我們重蹈覆轍?
不僅是NBA,Sony也曾領教過中國官方的懲罰。Sony在1997年推出布萊德彼特主演的《火線大逃亡》(Seven Years in Tibet),因為劇情涉及1944年到1951年的西藏生活,引發中國官方不滿,隨即暫停與Sony製片商的商業往來,布萊德彼特本人也被牽連,被中國官方頒布長達十年的簽證禁令。
Photo credit:《In the Same Breath》紀錄片截圖
#中國 #日舞影展 #紀錄片 #王男栿 #電影 #美國 #武漢 #紐約 #HBO #nanfuwang #Sundance #IntheSameBreath #China #COVID19 #Wuhan #NewYork #國際新聞 #udnglobal #轉角國際
同時也有2部Youtube影片,追蹤數超過16萬的網紅黃暐瀚,也在其Youtube影片中提到,#黃暐瀚 #暐瀚直播 #一中 #蔡英文 #韓國瑜 贊助暐瀚直播 歐付寶 https://reurl.cc/YlNXpo 中緬聯合聲明 與 一中三段論 再說一次,選舉已經結束了,希望大家這段時間,可以「好吃、好睡、好過年」! 政治的討論,盡量減少,但國際形勢,還是可以稍稍注意一下。 中國國...
- 關於tibet英文 在 轉角國際 udn Global Facebook 的最佳貼文
- 關於tibet英文 在 林昶佐 Freddy Lim Facebook 的最佳貼文
- 關於tibet英文 在 唐家婕 - Jane Tang Facebook 的最讚貼文
- 關於tibet英文 在 黃暐瀚 Youtube 的最佳解答
- 關於tibet英文 在 旅行,路上。 Youtube 的精選貼文
- 關於tibet英文 在 Re: [問卦] 西藏英文是Tibet= =? - 看板Gossiping - 批踢踢實業坊 的評價
- 關於tibet英文 在 大家都知道華文中所稱的「西藏」英文叫TIBET,事... - 台灣圖 ... 的評價
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- 關於tibet英文 在 Tibet Plateau / 青藏高原( 中英文歌詞) - Vitas MV - YouTube 的評價
- 關於tibet英文 在 Re: [問卦] 西藏英文是Tibet= =? - 八卦| PTT Web 的評價
- 關於tibet英文 在 tibet發音的評價費用和推薦,EDU.TW、FACEBOOK - 教育學習 ... 的評價
- 關於tibet英文 在 [問卦] 西藏英文是Tibet - PTT八卦政治 的評價
- 關於tibet英文 在 [問卦] 西藏英文是Tibet= =? | PTT 熱門文章Hito 的評價
tibet英文 在 林昶佐 Freddy Lim Facebook 的最佳貼文
美國、日本、台灣三國智庫共同主辦「2020台美日三邊印太安全對話」,包括蔡英文總統、美國前國務院助卿坎博(Kurt Campbell)、前國防部印太安全助理部長薛瑞福(Randall Schriver)、日本前駐美大使佐佐木賢一郎等重要人士都與會。
我也參與三國國會議員的對談,與羅致政委員、陳以信委員、美國聯邦眾議員貝拉(Ami Bera)以及日本眾議員鈴木馨祐,交流2020後的印太及台海情勢與願景。
2020 Taiwan-US-Japan Trilateral Indo-Pacific Security Dialogue
Hello moderator, fellow panelists, I am Taiwan legislator Freddy Lim.
This year, due to the pandemic, we can only conduct this panel online. I’m still very glad to be invited to attend this event and exchange ideas with these great panelists. Here I want to share my views on today’s main topic: “Challenges and Opportunities in the Indo-Pacific Region and the Taiwan Strait in 2020 & Beyond”.
First I want to start with the conventional positioning of Taiwan under the established international order.
After WWII, the international order led by the allies dragged Taiwan into China’s civil war. Since then, Taiwan's been struggling with the “One China” dispute, unable to gain independence and world recognition like many other colonies.
Even though Taiwanese people have built an independent and democratic country after half a century of hard work, now we enjoy freedom and human rights, the international community still isolates Taiwan. One of the main reasons is obviously China.
The established international community viewed China as a huge economic opportunity, a partner that would eventually carry out political reforms and be integrated into modern international order. Under this conventional thinking, the international community is willing to help China ease and suppress many of its unpleasant problems, including the thorny "Democratic Taiwan."
This has reduced Taiwan to merely China’s “Taiwan Problem”. We’re even slandered as the “troublemaker” of the Taiwan Strait; As a result, the respect that Taiwan deserves continues to be shelved, and the active role we can play, the contributions we can make in the international community are also ignored.
However, this established international structure is now changing.
After decades of appeasement policy, and acquiring WTO membership in 2001, China’s various structural changes that the world anticipated have never taken place. On the contrary, China’s been using organized measures, such as bribing, infiltration, and hybrid-warfare, to undermine international norms. It’s worked hard to manipulate and control international organizations, in order to project its influence onto the world. These actions have been even more distinct after Xi Jinping became President of China in 2012.
Internationally, China implemented debt-trap diplomacy on many countries through the Belt and Road Initiative. It established Confucius Institutes around the world, which are basically intelligence operations in the name of culture. Chinese tech giant, Huawei also aids China’s international surveillance. Not to mention China’s relentless expansion in the South China Sea, building military bases, creating man-made islands. This year, it’s even more serious. We witnessed the long time Chinese infiltration into UN organizations. The favoritism towards China helped its cover-up, which led to the dysfunction of WHO, ultimately causing the COVID-19 global pandemic.
Domestically, the Chinese government not only failed to implement any political reforms, but it also created the “Social Credit” system with advanced technology, to surveil and control its own people; In addition, the Chinese government built the notorious “Reeducation Camps” - concentration camps in reality, in Tibet, Xingjian, where human rights conditions were already in a bad shape. Even the Hong Kong people, who were supposed to be protected by the promise of “One Country, Two Systems”, their freedom and human rights were completely destroyed by the Chinese government.
These compelling examples show that there is some serious fallacy in the conventional way of viewing China. All facts point to this: Taiwan is not the problem. China is the problem. China is the troublemaker of the Taiwan Strait. It’s the troublemaker of the Indo-Pacific region. It’s even the troublemaker of the entire world.
Under decades of collective misjudgement, China was allowed to become the most terrifying, largest digital authoritarian government in human history. It’s a new form of dictatorship. As a response, many countries have vastly changed their China policy in recent years, thus the change of international structure.
This brings me to my next point: Give Taiwan the status it deserves. Let us contribute to the international society.
In a new international structure, Taiwan shouldn’t be categorized as “China’s Taiwan Problem”. Instead, we should be one of the key countries for international cooperation, responding to the new type of dictatorship.
Taiwan has faced authoritarian China on the front line for decades. Many countries are now facing the problem of China's infiltration under its United Front programs. Taiwan started dealing with the same problems 10 to 20 years ago. We have gained a lot of experience to contribute to the international community.
Taking the COVID pandemic as an example, Taiwan has studied and analyzed the actual situation and the information provided by the Chinese government with a serious and high-vigilance attitude. Based on our experience and lessons learned from the China SARS epidemic in 2001, we decisively formed a series of epidemic preventive measures. We have handled the crisis with the principle of openness and transparency. Our people have been self-disciplined and willing to cooperate. All of this demonstrates the high level of democracy in Taiwan’s society.
After the domestic epidemic was brought under control, Taiwan has continued to share our epidemic prevention supplies and the experiences on forming epidemic prevention policies with the world.
Although Taiwan was suppressed, even excluded by China in various international organizations in the past, we’ve been doing our best to comply with the norms & regulations of international organizations. We always actively contribute every time we have the opportunity. What I want to say is, all of this proves Taiwan could be a reliable partner in the international community. We are capable of working with other countries to solve major problems. We deserve our seats and participation in international organizations.
Regarding the impact of U.S. change of administration.
Now the U. S. presidential election is over and the administration is currently under transition. Many countries, including Taiwan, are concerned about whether the new U.S. government will change its course on foreign policy, especially its China policy. However, the "Rebalance (of Asia-Pacific Region)" proposed by the Obama administration in 2011, was in fact already a strategic adjustment in response to the rise of China and possible subsequent expansion.
The Trump administration further proposed the Indo-Pacific strategy in 2017 to promote and uphold international law and regulations, aiming to ensure every country has the liberty to be free from oppression and coercion. I believe that both parties in the U.S. understand the root cause of the Indo-Pacific regional problem comes from the Chinese government. Even for the Biden administration, it will have to provide practical responses. Facing the new structure, they can’t just go back to the traditional thinking of the last century.
As for Taiwan, the pro-Taiwan acts in the U.S., such as the Asia Reassurance Initiative Act of 2018, Taiwan Travel Act, Taiwan Allies International Protection and Enhancement, were passed with strong consensus between the Republicans and the Democrats. I believe Taiwan could be a key partner to the international community and play an active role in the free world. This isn’t just the consensus of the two parties in the U.S., but will be the consensus of all democratic countries.
In a progressive aspect, the International community can benefit from a wider recognition of Taiwan.
In recent years, the performance of Taiwanese society in terms of epidemic prevention performance, human rights, gender equality, marriage equality, and open government are actually in line with many progressive ideas and visions. The ideas and visions that many democratic countries have long supported. Therefore, I’m quite optimistic that, after 2020, Taiwan can make even greater progress, on multiple levels and in broader aspects, contributing to the international community.
Finally, I want to emphasize again that to truly resolve regional problems, we need dynamic multilateral cooperation. But this must not be a return to the conventional thinking of the past century, which was "expecting" China to abide by the international order. The outdated thinking had been proved to be a failure. Otherwise there wouldn’t be a series of Chinese infiltration and aggression after its rise in recent years, which became one of the most difficult issues in the world. I believe after 2020, U.S., Japan, and Taiwan can establish a new model of international cooperation through deeper collaboration and communication. And hopefully, this model will maximize the security of the Indo-Pacific region and promote peace, stability and development in the region.
This concludes my speech, thank you all for listening.
Lastly, I’d like to express my gratitude to the moderators, my fellow panelists, and the organizers of this event.
I wish everyone peace and good health. Thank you.
tibet英文 在 唐家婕 - Jane Tang Facebook 的最讚貼文
【中國將在 #雅魯藏布江 建大壩 發電規模超過三個三峽】
▫️報導全文: https://www.rfa.org/mandarin/yataibaodao/huanjing/jt-12012020102607.html
▫️英文全文: https://www.rfa.org/english/news/china/tibet-dam-12032020171138.html
(印度老歌:Bistirno Parore)
來自印度東部阿薩姆邦的傳奇歌手布盆·哈扎里卡(Bhupen Hazarika)曾為布拉馬普特拉河創作過這首歌Bistirno Parore,歌詞中唱到,這條河為何如此寧靜又不受控制地奔流,讓沿岸的人們受苦。
「這是印度長久以來一直擔憂的事。」總部位在新德里的印度國防分析研究所研究員潘傑根(Jagannath P. Panda)告訴本台,2002年中印就已經簽屬關於水利領域合作的備忘錄,2018年又簽屬另一份針對這條河流的備忘錄,目的是共享水文數據,以便下游國家部署防洪或生態保護規劃等。
河水自西向東橫貫西藏南部,然後掉頭流向南方進入印度,印度稱她為布拉馬普特拉河(Brahmaputra River),在印度境內長度近六百五十公里。河流下游流入孟加拉後,改稱亞穆納河(Yamuna River),與恆河匯流,進入孟加拉灣。她的支流還流經尼泊爾及不丹,是南亞多國的經濟命脈。
中國官方為西藏自治區算了一筆漂亮的數字: 大壩每年將提供近三千億度清潔、可再生、零碳的電力,為西藏自治區帶來兩百億元以上的財政收入。晏志勇說這會讓當地人民生活發生「翻天覆地的變化」,幸福感更強大。
「這些道路和水電建設的背後,中國政府的主要意圖是在藏族地區重新安置中國人口。」在印度達蘭薩拉西藏政策研究所的藏族環境研究員滇巴堅贊(Zamlha Tenpa Gyaltsen)對本台藏語組表示。
「歷史上,南亞各國間有深深的不信任。當一個國家做一件事情時神秘兮兮不透明,自然會讓另一個國家感到威脅。」美國智庫東西方研究所(East-West Center)南亞部主任法爾瓦·阿默爾(Farwa Aamer)對中國官方的美好願景持保留態度。
「(南亞國家)擔憂是一直存在的,尤其是如果(中國把)河流武器化。」 阿默爾說。
「幾乎不在事先與下游國家進行磋商。中國如此對待下游鄰國,並不是什麼新鮮事。」 華盛頓智庫史汀生中心(Stimson Center)東南亞項目主任艾博(Brian Eyler)告訴本台,他以中國今年初在湄公河上游雲南省修蓋大壩為例,當時中國完全沒有通知下游國家。
艾博細數中國官方為上游蓋壩辯護的語境,比如能協助下游防洪、乾旱時幫助放水 ……但問題是幾十年過去,「目前沒有任何證據表明,中國在上游的作法能防洪,或改善造成乾旱的條件。」
📝附上一張地圖( 顯示為一整天都在心中跟地理老師懺悔)
▫️印度老歌:Bistirno Parore
▫️報導全文: https://www.rfa.org/mandarin/yataibaodao/huanjing/jt-12012020102607.html
tibet英文 在 黃暐瀚 Youtube 的最佳解答
#黃暐瀚 #暐瀚直播 #一中 #蔡英文 #韓國瑜
贊助暐瀚直播 歐付寶 https://reurl.cc/YlNXpo
中緬聯合聲明 與 一中三段論
「9. The Chinese side firmly supports Myanmar in its aim to adopt a development path that is in line with its national conditions, the safeguarding of its legitimate rights and interests, as well as national dignity, on the international stage, and to maintain the momentum of development and stability. The Myanmar side reiterates its firm commitment to the One China Policy and supports the efforts of China to resolve the issues of Taiwan, Tibet and Xinjiang, which are inalienable parts of China.」
到底是「中華人民共和國的一部分」?還是「parts of China」中國的一部分?
暐瀚 2020-1-20 de 台北

tibet英文 在 旅行,路上。 Youtube 的精選貼文
★ 訂閱頻道看最新影片 ➡︎ https://goo.gl/qKW1HJ
◎ 西藏布達拉宮,距今1300多年歷史,為歷代達賴喇嘛的冬宮居所。
◎ 世界上海拔最高宮殿:座落在西藏拉薩海拔3700米的紅山上,集宮殿、城堡與寺院於一體的宏偉建築。
◎ 世界文化遺產:最早由吐蕃王朝贊普松贊干布為迎娶文成公主而建,歷經世代重建和擴展,逐漸形成今日規模。
◎ 宏偉的藏式建築:依山而建,氣勢雄偉,建築由紅宮,白宮與扎廈三個部分所組成。
◎ 『布達拉』意為佛教聖地:為重大宗教和政治儀式舉辦地,西藏政教合一的統治中心。
◎ 門票:來參觀布達拉宮需要預先申請才能買門票,一天限定約兩千人參觀。
◎ 票價:我們購買票價為100元人民幣,淡旺季價格會有所調整。
◎ 我們台灣人必須申請地陪才能進入,建議一定要聽聽專業響導的解說,否則這麼大的一座宏偉宮殿只走馬看花就可惜了。(雖然中文說的不是很好,我們聽的有點吃力就是了...據我們的響導說西藏導遊英文都說的比中文還要好...😆)
◎ 宗角祿康公園:位於東側山腳下,為布達拉宮的後花園。
◎ 鮮明的藏傳佛教色彩:紅、白、黃三色的建築,象徵威嚴、恬靜和圓滿。
◎ 經轉道:轉經輪一定得要順向轉,否則反方向轉是不吉利的喔!
◎ 攀上聖地是要付出代價的...登上布達拉宮前得先爬一段滿長的之字型階梯。
◎ 因為高海拔腳步會比較沈重,為了避免高原反應,得調節呼吸一層一層階梯慢慢的往上爬。
◎ 階梯上顯眼的無字碑,據說是為紀念五世達賴喇嘛的功績而建,碑上無字意謂是非功過皆憑後人評論。
◎ 登上階梯後,可以遙望對面布達拉宮廣場上的西藏和平解放紀念碑,紀念碑造型為珠穆朗瑪峰抽象的象徵。
◎ 虔誠的朝聖之路,除了觀光客,也有許多藏人是來朝聖的...甚至有些的信徒是一路三跪九叩上去的,讓我們見識到信仰的力量的強大!
◎ 『白宮』因白色外牆而得名,為歷代達賴喇嘛生活起居的場所。
◎ 白宮的最頂層的『日光殿』是達賴喇嘛的寢宮,有朝拜堂、經堂、習經室和臥室等。
◎ 氂牛毛做成的黑色藏式蓬布,上頭的圖騰非常漂亮,非常有西藏意象!
◎ 任何有"洞"的地方都會被塞錢,從小細節就可以看到藏人的虔誠與無私地貢獻。
◎ 命中缺氧的小姐 😂,經人體實驗證明氧氣瓶其實只能提供非常短暫的舒緩,高原反應還是乖乖吃藥吧!
◎ 白宮前的貓,悠悠哉哉地躺在椅子上曬太陽,展現『高原藏喵』從容傲嬌的姿態 😂
◎ 『紅宮』為紅色的外牆,位於布達拉宮的中央,主要放置歷代達賴喇嘛的靈塔殿。
◎ 進入布達拉宮前如同機場管制,不能攜帶液體,內部宮殿是禁止拍攝的,進入紅宮就要收起相機,用莊嚴尊重的態度,親自走一遭去感受聖地的神聖。
※ 宮內珍藏大量佛像、近萬幅唐卡、壁畫等稀世珍藏,是藏民族的文化藝術寶庫。
※ 最特別的是五世達賴喇嘛靈塔是第一座,也是布達拉宮內規模最大、最氣派的靈塔。
◎ 強大虔誠的信仰力量,守護著西藏的子民!
◎ 『白牆』布達拉宮外牆粉刷成白色,象徵和平,牆體使用貝瑪草夯成,既穩固又輕量。
◎ 據說每逢西藏的降神節會塗上冰糖、牛奶、蜂蜜、紅糖與白灰混合的神秘塗料,從上面傾倒而下,所以才會有一層一層的感覺。
◎ 3700公尺的天空真的太美太美! 從未如此接近天空,舒服的陽光! 從高處遠挑拉薩市區,整座城市就像是被群山環抱著。靜謐神聖,沖擊內心!
◎ 近年來周圍也新建了不少商業設施...與布達拉宮莊嚴肅穆的氣氛形成強烈的反差。
◎ 布達拉宮必須要等要晚上9點之後才會打燈,夜晚的布達拉宮在燈光的輝映下顯得更加神秘。值得我們又再次經過重重安檢,特地的徒步走回布達拉宮前面,欣賞這不能錯過的迷人夜景。不管是前來朝拜或是拍攝夜景,前方的道路也是聚集了滿滿的人潮。
◎ 最後回程的路上經過一個車站,叫做『沖賽康』...
上一部影片:2分鐘帶你走入西藏拉薩街頭市集,體驗藏族當地生活!➡︎ http://youtu.be/QNSXZemTwag
下一部影片:3分鐘帶你搭一趟仰光環市火車,前往緬甸翁山蘇姬的家!➡︎ http://youtu.be/70pkDnrnW4k
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大家好,我們是 Jie & Jess!
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背包客,自助旅行,旅遊,環遊世界,懶人包,規劃,路線,攻略,教學,自由行,體驗 冒險,探險,推薦,景點,好玩,新鮮,有趣,必吃,必去,好吃,美食,食記,遊記,開箱 背包客棧,飯店,訂房,青年旅館,住宿,hostel,hotel,便宜,機票,廉價航空,分享
Music: TheFatRat - The Calling ft. Laura Brehm (Boston Remix)
Link: https://youtu.be/BQkiYDDP6mQ

tibet英文 在 大家都知道華文中所稱的「西藏」英文叫TIBET,事... - 台灣圖 ... 的必吃
台灣圖博之友會Taiwan Friends of Tibet ... 大家都知道華文中所稱的「西藏」英文叫TIBET,事實上TIBET包含了安多(現在青海、部分甘肅及四川)、康(四川、部分的雲南青海及 ... ... <看更多>
tibet英文 在 [問卦] 西藏英文是Tibet= =? - Mo PTT 鄉公所 的必吃
最近才西藏英文是Tibet 念起來像踢被又像吐蕃為啥西藏不自己取的英文名字啊有沒有八卦阿-- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc), 來自: ... ... <看更多>
tibet英文 在 Re: [問卦] 西藏英文是Tibet= =? - 看板Gossiping - 批踢踢實業坊 的必吃