今年話題作會唔會係佢嘅另一作品:Side Effects 呢?(誤)
昨晚看了史提芬蘇德堡的《迷離藥謊》, 電影圍繞一宗與情緒病病人有關的兇殺案,及其引起的一連串事情、背後的陰謀, etc。由導演、演員、到題材,到我來說都很吸引,可惜在港上映時並沒有多少迴響,而電影亦無聲息般下畫了。《迷》我認為是揉合了兩種不同的類型。本身我以為這又是另一套探討「上癮」問題的劇情片時,原來這多少更像一套黑色電影!(網上看了資料,有影評人覺得這是"Post-Modern Hitchcock-Thriller",又有人認為這很像《浴室情殺案》 Les Diaboliques (1955, dir: Henri-Georges Clouzot)。 )
故事前半講述由荷里活新晉女星Rooney Mara 飾演的女主角Emily 本身與丈夫 Martin (Channing Tatum) 過著幸福的上流社會生活,但自從Martin 因事坐牢後,Emily 的生活打回原形,還因種種壓力而患上抑鬱症。即使Martin 四年後出獄,打算在商界東山再起,仍對Emily 的病情沒甚麼幫助,唯有男主角,(感覺上銀幕上久違的)Jude Law 飾演的精神科醫生Jon 開給Emily 的一隻新抗抑鬱藥才有效地抒緩Emily 的病情。但亦由於新藥引起的副作用,最終導致Emily 成為兇案中的殺人犯。
至於電影的後半部,是以因處方藥物給Emily 而某程度上身壞名裂的醫生Jon 為重點,看他如何偵探上身,偵破一切謊言( 亦即以上一段的全部內容)。其實發展到故事後半部的中段,見到Jon 變得歇斯底里地、不惜一切地追查真相,作為觀眾的我難免有點不爽(當然我相信這亦是導演故意的一個設計)。就一開始,我已經完全投入進Emily 的世界裹。我不但只同情她,同時感受到那個「副作用」的可怕,然而這名扮偵探的醫生,竟然走去揭穿這一個局。而且,我認為他並不是因為他的正義感而出發,而是為了保護他自己的名聲,挽救他的事業,一個這麼私人的理由,去破壞觀眾對女主角的憐憫之心、對藥物厭惡既害怕的感覺,我怎能不討厭這個角色。更甚的是,Jon 竟然有一個相對大團圓的結局,而Emily 這個femme fatale 卻是悲劇收場...怎可能?!?!
到這一刻,我終於明白。歸根究底,一個傳神的femme fatale 的確會有這種魅力。這種魅力是大得可以令一個觀眾把是非黑白都扭轉。而電影最捉弄觀眾的,就是安排了Emily 這個毫不像壤人的人物作femme fatale, 讓觀眾對這個角色「全無防範」,讓我們跌落陷阱。儘管Emily 的面具被拆穿,我們仍眷戀著那個「抑鬱」的她(題外話,Rooney Mara 是我頗喜歡的荷里活新一代女演員,今次亦沒有令我失望,很看好她將來能創出一番成就)。結果,我們這些斯德哥爾摩症患者只好繼續憎恨「豬囉」下去...
"Past Behaviour is the best predictor of future behaviour."
這句對白可能是電影中的最重要的一句對白,它是「破案」的關鍵,同時也對故事有深遠的影響。之不過,導演似乎未有好好運用這句話背後的意思,只是靠Jude Law 口中說出來,感覺上有點...浪費。
- 關於thriller意思 在 電影潭 Facebook 的最讚貼文
- 關於thriller意思 在 Eric's English Lounge Facebook 的最佳貼文
- 關於thriller意思 在 Eric's English Lounge Facebook 的最佳貼文
- 關於thriller意思 在 thriller中文的原因和症狀,YOUTUBE和台灣e院的回答 的評價
- 關於thriller意思 在 我們會常說genre,來字法文裡解釋為「獨立風格」的意思 的評價
- 關於thriller意思 在 Michael Jackson - Thriller (中文字幕) Part-1 - YouTube 的評價
thriller意思 在 Eric's English Lounge Facebook 的最佳貼文
[時事英文] 《寄生上流》橫掃奧斯卡,獲最佳影片等四項大獎!
South Korean director Bong Joon-ho and star Song Kang-ho’s black comedy thriller, Parasite, swept the Oscars, winning four awards for best director, best international film, best original script, and best film.
1. black comedy 黑色幽默
2. Parasite 《寄生上流》,parasite 原意為寄生蟲
3. sweep the Oscars 橫掃奧斯卡
4. acceptance speech 獲獎感言
Parasite: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Parasite_(2019_film)
Watch his full acceptance speech for best director below!
Thank you. After winning best international feature, I thought I was done for the day and was ready to relax.
5. be done for the day 今天工作完成, 結束
6. be done for 完蛋了
7. ready to relax 準備要放鬆了
Thank you so much. When I was young and studying cinema, there was a saying that I carved deep into my heart, which is that "the most personal is the most creative." That quote is from our great Martin Scorsese. When I was in school, I studied Martin Scorsese's films.
8. there is a saying (that goes)... 有句話...
9. be engraved on/in your heart/memory/mind 銘記於心*
Just to be nominated was a huge honor. I never thought I would win.
10. be nominated for 被提名
11. I never thought I would win. 我從未想過能得獎
When people in the U.S. were not familiar with my films, Quentin [Tarantino] always put my films on his list. He's here, thank you so much. Quentin, I love you.
12. not familiar with... 不熟悉...
13. put at the top of the list 放在名單首選
14. short list 短名單
And Todd [Phillips] and Sam [Mendes], great directors that I admire. If the Academy allows, I would like to get a Texas chainsaw, split the award into five and share it with all of you. Thank you. I will drink until next morning, thank you.
15. Texas chainsaw 來自於德州電鋸殺人狂(電影)的電鋸
16 split into 分成
17. share it with all 與大家分享
18. drink until the next morning. 喝(酒)喝到天亮*
19. the Academy of Motion Picture Arts and Sciences (AMPAS) / the Academy / the Motion Picture Academy 電影藝術與科學學院
還有我敬佩的偉大的導演托德[菲利普斯]和薩姆[門德斯]。如果學院允許,我想要用德州電鋸將獎項分成五份,並與大家分享。謝謝。我要一路喝到隔天早上, 謝謝。
*未成年的同學,他的意思是喝果汁 😛
奧斯卡頒獎典禮的26句經典片語: http://bit.ly/2NyxqYs
落獎詛咒總算解除了: http://bit.ly/2HbcJvL
時事英文大全: https://wp.me/p44l9b-1Y8
電視和電影單字大全: http://bit.ly/2YQG3Cd
攝影和電影攝影單字: http://bit.ly/2SxL25D
Image source: https://chicago.suntimes.com/
thriller意思 在 Eric's English Lounge Facebook 的最佳貼文
[時事英文] 《寄生上流》橫掃奧斯卡,獲最佳影片等四項大獎!
South Korean director Bong Joon-ho and star Song Kang-ho’s black comedy thriller, Parasite, swept the Oscars, winning four awards for best director, best international film, best original script, and best film.
1. black comedy 黑色幽默
2. Parasite 《寄生上流》,parasite 原意為寄生蟲
3. sweep the Oscars 橫掃奧斯卡
4. acceptance speech 獲獎感言
Parasite: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Parasite_(2019_film)
Watch his full acceptance speech for best director below!
Thank you. After winning best international feature, I thought I was done for the day and was ready to relax.
5. be done for the day 今天工作完成, 結束
6. be done for 完蛋了
7. ready to relax 準備要放鬆了
Thank you so much. When I was young and studying cinema, there was a saying that I carved deep into my heart, which is that "the most personal is the most creative." That quote is from our great Martin Scorsese. When I was in school, I studied Martin Scorsese's films.
8. there is a saying (that goes)... 有句話...
9. be engraved on/in your heart/memory/mind 銘記於心*
Just to be nominated was a huge honor. I never thought I would win.
10. be nominated for 被提名
11. I never thought I would win. 我從未想過能得獎
When people in the U.S. were not familiar with my films, Quentin [Tarantino] always put my films on his list. He's here, thank you so much. Quentin, I love you.
12. not familiar with... 不熟悉...
13. put at the top of the list 放在名單首選
14. short list 短名單
And Todd [Phillips] and Sam [Mendes], great directors that I admire. If the Academy allows, I would like to get a Texas chainsaw, split the award into five and share it with all of you. Thank you. I will drink until next morning, thank you.
15. Texas chainsaw 來自於德州電鋸殺人狂(電影)的電鋸
16 split into 分成
17. share it with all 與大家分享
18. drink until the next morning. 喝(酒)喝到天亮*
19. the Academy of Motion Picture Arts and Sciences (AMPAS) / the Academy / the Motion Picture Academy 電影藝術與科學學院
還有我敬佩的偉大的導演托德[菲利普斯]和薩姆[門德斯]。如果學院允許,我想要用德州電鋸將獎項分成五份,並與大家分享。謝謝。我要一路喝到隔天早上, 謝謝。
*未成年的同學,他的意思是喝果汁 😛
奧斯卡頒獎典禮的26句經典片語: http://bit.ly/2NyxqYs
落獎詛咒總算解除了: http://bit.ly/2HbcJvL
時事英文大全: https://wp.me/p44l9b-1Y8
電視和電影單字大全: http://bit.ly/2YQG3Cd
攝影和電影攝影單字: http://bit.ly/2SxL25D
Image source: https://chicago.suntimes.com/
thriller意思 在 我們會常說genre,來字法文裡解釋為「獨立風格」的意思 的必吃
驚悚片的相關片種還有mystery懸疑片,detective偵探片,horror恐怖片等等。 It's described here as a taut psychological thriller. 這上面寫說它是一部 ... ... <看更多>