" For each step forward in market technology, they took a step backward and human evolution" (在市場科技不斷往前的同時, 他們的人性也不斷的倒退)
大部分人應該都聽過電影“魔球”,“大賣空”,“攻其不備” 等等,這些精彩的影片都是由Michael Lewis 的書本所改編的。他寫人物的故事,都很鮮明精彩。而金融業人物在他的筆下,活生生像是電影裡才有的情節。
這本書一半是作者自己從學校畢業,當一名菜鳥金融從業人員的故事,一旦是描述80年代華爾街瘋狂的行徑。 作者因為加入當時的投資銀行所羅門兄弟 (Solomon Brothers),得以親眼目睹戲劇化的一切。整個故事的範疇是以所羅門兄弟為主的幾家銀行,如何把房貸抵押債券和垃圾債券,發揮到極致,然後從極致的破滅中如何又衰退下來。讀著這些80年代的故事,不難想像2008年那次金融風暴,其實早就是一個潛藏的危機了。
Michael Lewis 最厲害的一點,是他擅長用比喻,把一個困難和複雜的東西,讓人可以秒懂。所以沒有金融背景的人也可以享受他的寫作。就算真的不懂也沒關係,其實這本書最重要的,是刻畫裡面的人性。因著豐厚的薪酬,當時美國頂尖大學的學生,無不想要主修經濟學,然後能夠擠破頭進入這些投資銀行。從菜鳥時期的訓練課程,就可以看到各種的人性醜陋,包括霸凌和騷擾。在成為交易員之後, 在交易辦公室需要的其實不是金融和經濟學的知識, 而是知道怎麼裝出一副信心滿滿的樣子, 像個老千一般裝腔作勢,怎麼讓客戶上鉤, 怎麼讓同事們懼怕, 甚至是一些惡作劇的方式來彰顯權力。作者的寫法帶著黑色幽默的筆調,並且用“叢林生存法則”來描述這一切。讀到中間幾段, 都覺得很像是猩球崛起電影中,那些靈長類們爭權奪力的片段。
因為作者並沒有經濟壓力,也並沒有賺大錢的慾望。雖然他後來模仿的很像,在交易和操盤上也做得有模有樣,卻在整個體系崩盤之前決定離職了。他說或許就是因為他一直有個 “半局外人” 的眼光,所以並沒有跟大家沉迷在同個遊戲當中,也相對容易放下。他離職是因為喜歡寫作,因著在那裡的經驗寫出這本書,讓他走向頂尖作家的路。
📚延伸閱讀Michael Lewis 其他的著作📚
The Undoing Project (中文版:“橡皮擦計畫”)
The Coming Storm (有聲書 “暴風將至”)
#LiarsPoker #MichaelLewis #Wallstreet #老千騙局 #華爾街
「the undoing project」的推薦目錄:
the undoing project 在 KEN.L PHOTOGRAPHY Facebook 的精選貼文
Capture One 20 (v13.1.1) update
Bug Fixes Mac
* Fixed an issue where OpenCL would sometimes not work with Intel Iris GPUs.
* Fixed an issue where a white vertical line could appear on some images when exported
* Fixed an issue where Luma Range masks would not include Heal and Clone Layers when recalculating the range.
* Fixed an issue where the color swatches would sometimes disappear in Basic Color Editor.
* Fixed an issue where Color Editor settings could disappear when creating a new Layer.
* Fixed an issue where the shortcut for Hide Clone / Heal Arrows would not persist correctly.
* Fixed various issues with Phase One iXG movement.
* Fixed an issue where using watermarks would cause poor performance.
* Fixed an issue where Open With plugin would fail to initialize.
* Fixed an issue where Favorite Icon would not show on new Favorites until restart.
* Fixed an issue where a global range in Advanced Color Editor could not be added as the first range.
* Fixed an issue where print watermarks could scale incorrectly or disappear.
* Fixed an issue where resetting the Keystone Tool would not reset the keystone lines in the viewer.
* Fixed various other issues.
Bug Fixes Windows
* Fixed an issue where a white vertical line could appear on some images when exported
* Fixed an issue where Luma Range masks would not include Heal and Clone Layers when recalculating the range
* Fixed an issue where undoing heal strokes would sometimes work incorrectly.
* Fixed an issue where brush flow would not be correctly persisted.
* Fixed an issue with images not displaying when selecting a Project.
* Fixed an issue with Projects not updating correctly.
* Fixed an issue where having Exposure Evaluation visible would negatively impact editing performance.
* Fixed an issue where legacy tool tabs were not available from the customize tool tab menu.
* Fixed an issue where it was not sometimes possible to reset the Layers of all selected variants.
* Fixed various other issues.
If you have faced any issue from above, please update your Capture One 20 ASAP
Capture One Pro
the undoing project 在 不假掰讀者過日子 Facebook 的最佳貼文